i5 4690K high cpu usage

Jelo Azupardo

May 27, 2013
This always happens when I play games with it. AAA games, to be exact. I have tried GTA V, Rise of The Tomb Raider, and Deus EX. All of which makes the cpu usage fluctuate. From 70+, it goes up to 90+, then 80+. My cpu is on stock clocks, and I am also using the cooler that came with it. Temps are normal, 68c max. No viruses whatsoever. No other program running in the background.

Here's my specs

i5 4690K
GTX 1070
12GB 133hz DDR3
CM B500 CV2

You would have a better experience playing at 1440p. Lower resolutions with the GTX 1070 and a stock 4690k is too much on the CPU and is likely creating a bottleneck.

Why not overclock your 4690K to 4.5GHz? You would likely need faster RAM also. Watch this video to see how RAM speed...

I see. I'm also not getting insanely high fps, when playing games. Minimal to no fps gain when I lower the settings down. Stuck at around 55-80 fps on GTA V, 40-60 fps on Tomb Raider (I know this one really has some issues), and 45-100 in Deus Ex.

Here are my other components:

GTX 1070
12 GB 1333mhz DDR3
Seagate 500GB SATA
Samsung 320GB SATA
Cooler Master B500 v2

Do you think the cpu is holding the card back? I was told by my enthusiast friend that I all of my parts are okay, aside from the RAM. He suggested I replace it with 2133mhz or 2400mhz, if I want to achieve high fps.

It definetly explains it if you are playing 1366x768 resolution. The card is being held back by the i5. This could also be the case in 1080p because that cpu can hold the card back in those resolutions. If you go higher up to 1440p and 4k it would be another reason.

You would have a better experience playing at 1440p. Lower resolutions with the GTX 1070 and a stock 4690k is too much on the CPU and is likely creating a bottleneck.

Why not overclock your 4690K to 4.5GHz? You would likely need faster RAM also. Watch this video to see how RAM speed CAN affect gameplay performance, sometimes significantly. Watch @ 02:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYb0y8LNAVI

I think your friend was right in that 2133, or 2400MHz RAM would be better paired with the GTX 1070. And I'm also recommending you overclock your 4690K to 4.5GHz, after all you do have a z87x mobo.