i5 4690k higher temperatues on Core #0


Aug 5, 2017

I was running stress tests on my CPU and I found out that Core #0 is hitting constantly higher temperatures than all the other cores.

I have an i5 4690k processor clocked at 4,5ghz and I have clocked it by the auto OC in BIOS.

The cooler is Cooler Master Hyper 212X and all of the other cores seem to stay at decent temperatures with it. I have as well re-seated the cooler with fresh thermal paste and it made no difference.

With AIDA64 the temperatures stay in better levels, but with Prime95 Core #0 hits the cut-off (100 C) constantly.

I've read that its normal for Core #0 to have higher temperatures, but is it normal to have a 20 C difference between the coolest and hottest core on a constant basis?


Thanks for your reply.

I didn't really write it clearly in the first post, but that 4,5GHz was just something I was testing as a curiosity.

On my regular day to day OC I have it running at 4,2GHz and stress test temps are similar in a sense that the difference between the Core #0 and Core #3 is often closer to 20 degrees, with Max. temperatures being around 15 degrees apart.

Screenshot - https://imgur.com/a/b3WIm