i5 4690k or i5 6600k?


Sep 27, 2015
I want to build a new gaming pc soon aslo to be used for video streaming and school work. I am not looking to run anything crazy just games like gta v, league of legends, TF2 etc... My budget is between 500 and 650 not including a graphics card which I am going to buy at a later date and use onboard graphics for the time being. Here are my two builds I am considering. I just want to know if the increase in price for the 6600k is justified/worth it especially since I'm going slightly over budget. Just want opinions thanks.


They're both basically the same performance wise, barely noticeable in benchmarks let alone with your eye, get whatever is cheaper, All Skylake has over has well is niche features, flashier motherboards, and useless DDR4, basically DDR3 doesnt even get used to its full potential yet so DDR4 is pointless to me.. but whatever.. Anyway if you plan on using integrated for awhile however, The 6600K would be your better bet as it has a faster iGPU and DDR4 memory which DOES make a difference for iGPU purposes. faster memory is always better for that. But if it was me, id basically just get whichever is cheapest.

People try to push new comers onto Skylake when in reality, you would be better off saving the money going to haswell and dumping...
They're both basically the same performance wise, barely noticeable in benchmarks let alone with your eye, get whatever is cheaper, All Skylake has over has well is niche features, flashier motherboards, and useless DDR4, basically DDR3 doesnt even get used to its full potential yet so DDR4 is pointless to me.. but whatever.. Anyway if you plan on using integrated for awhile however, The 6600K would be your better bet as it has a faster iGPU and DDR4 memory which DOES make a difference for iGPU purposes. faster memory is always better for that. But if it was me, id basically just get whichever is cheapest.

People try to push new comers onto Skylake when in reality, you would be better off saving the money going to haswell and dumping the extra cash into cooling or the GPU or ssd's and such