i5-4690k w/ OBS Question


Jan 19, 2016
Hello, I have recently built a PC and installed an Elgato HD60 Pro onto my motherboard. On the box, it says the stream command is recommended to be I7-2xxx, I was wondering if my cpu would be able to handle 60 FPS while streaming, using spotify, twitch alerts, chat box & twitter.
Here is a list of my PC specs:

CPU- i5-4690K

CPU Cooler - CoolMaster 212 Evo

GPU- MSI 390x 8GB


When I start doing this, on the bottom left of the OBS program, the green color starts to flash yellow and red, and my Dropped frames becomes 10%, any solutions to this ?

Settings? Do you know what you are doing in the settings? Or just guessing?

I just looked up good settings for OBS. So pretty much just guessing w/out knowing how my pc is. I have a 150mb download speed and a 12mb upload, if that helps.

I'm a firm believer that you can't look up settings. You have to experiment with your system and figure it out. Do you use multiplatform or not.

No I do not use multiplatform

Are you playing and streaming on the PC or just using the PC to stream??

I am playing and streaming at the same time.

Playing PC games and also streaming from that PC is going to be very difficult with it being an i5. You will either have good stream quality and a crappy playing experience or a good gaming experience and terrible stream quality.

Should I upgrade to an i7- 4790k?

That's what I have in my computer right now. I manage to be able to stream and play on this PC, but it is still not optimal. I have a second computer I use for streaming. If you are going to use a single computer for streaming, a six or more core processor (Not AMD) is best. Obviously you will also have to upgrade to a new mobo and ram, but that is optimal. If you arent a big streaming, then it would be a good idea to get a 4790k just to get into streaming and then upgrade once you grow.

Sounds good ! thanks for your help !