i5-4790k vs i7 4790k in gaming?

Alfredo Cornejo

Apr 18, 2014
I heard why waste an extra $100 if your not video editing or rendering to get the i7. I know i7 has hyperthreading but barely any games utilize that right? Is it worth it shell out $100 more for hyperthreading will it be more common in games? Im making a 1500- build and I don't want to get a i7. What do you guys think?

For Gaming and no rendering/heavily multi-threaded workloads? The I5 is an easy pick.

To make things clear the I5 will do the same as the I7 (well, there's always exceptions, but don't mind that).

Edit: My build is not the best example, as I could've gotten a 980 if I didn't go with 16GB of RAM plus an I7, but I made it met my needs. If for you not getting that I7 is the difference between a 970 and a 980 then go with the I5, please.
The i5-4690k is a quad core while the i7-4790k is a quad core with hyper-threading. I dont think any game today utilizes more than 4 cores so your pretty good to go with the i5-4690k.

If I may make a suggestion, are you planning to overclock. If not go with the non-k version and save even more money.

I can confirm this all the way back to the i7-920. Can't say that I've ever really been able to justify the price over a similar i5 QC, in gaming.