i5 4960K or FX 9370


Dec 16, 2014
I'm upgrading my processor from the 9370 to the i5 4960K due to high temperatures. I know the 9370 runs hot and requires strong power supple + good motherboard + liquid cooling but it's a bit of a hassle in my opinion. The only reason I'm second guessing is because the 9370 is an amazing processor and the i5 4960K has amazing performance for your money I'm not so sure which one is better for a full gaming PC. I've looked at countless benchmarks, some the 9370 destroys the i5 and some vice versa. These are the new parts that I'm considering; http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP
the i5 for gaming is much better, the 9370 is better for video editing and things like that, but for the price the i5 for gaming is the way to go, it also leaves a upgrade path to a i7 later on

Even with a AIO cooler I had to send my processor back for repairs, it was hitting temps like 80c idle. Here are my current temps at idle after reapplying the thermal compound and getting a better AIO cooler.

I'd strongly recommend going with the Skylake I5 6600K or even the I7 6700K. Say what you want, the Skylake does have more instructions per clock and as time moves on and its extra commands are used by new drivers it will test faster yet. Programs are finally using extra cores and hyperthreading so look for the I7 6700K to be a good 30% faster than the 6600K in the future in most all games. Plus the Z170 motherboards for the Skylake processors are nice boards with upgrades. The 6700K is finally coming down in price as Intel gets its act together with supply.

Hm I'm really interested, but why the i7 6700K? I think I'm going to probably change to the Skylake i5 6600K but the i7 seems a bit pricey. Also, I can't seem to find it on PCPartPicker. Do you mind editing it for me? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP


As I wrote. When programs utilize hyperthreading you get a 30% boost in performance. But is it worth $390 to $255 for a 6600K? Only you can make that decision. To help a bit. If you like to game at very high-resolution settings that really squeeze GPU cards then the CPU will never be pressed too much for the most part. Get a 6600K. But if you like very fast gaming with 120 or even 144FPS monitors, you practically need the 6700K.

Well that's a bit excessive, I have a 60hz monitor at 1080p, usually always have v-sync on so I guess the 6600K is perfect for me, probably won't have to upgrade for the next 5 years. Also, what motherboard would you recommend for this build? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP I'm just going to do some overclocking that's about it, no ram oc as it's not needed and probably no SLI either.


Sorry, there really isn't an absolute answer to which motherboard to get. There are so many variables An ASUS Z170-A is a good starting point. It pretty much can do it all. Of course the ASRock extreme4&6 Z170's are good as are a dozen other motherboards.

I personally will be buying an ASUS Sabertooth Z170-S board. It is absolutely beautiful and is very hard core reliable. It matches my build which is white & black.

Alright, is this alright? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP The look of the board isn't all that spectacular but it'll do I guess, all I need right now is a working system that doesn't randomly shutdown. Aesthetics is the least of my worries, hopefully I chose solid components. My bronze certified power supply and my FX 9370 coupled with a bad gigabyte motherboard really was asking for trouble. I used to hit 80c at idle until I sent it in for repairs (a replacement).

Very interesting. You found a Skylake board that supports DDR3 RAM. Intel has stated you should not use DDR3 RAM on it becuase the 1.5V supply will damage the processor. Yet ASUS says it works. Since the RAM DDR4 and DDR3 costs about the same, I'd go with the DDR4 just to make sure.

Also if you look at the approved RAM on the ASUS website you will find that your RAM is not on the list. Make sure the RAM you do buy will match the recommended RAM on ASUSs website.


Here's I changed it up quite a bit, hopefully this is a lot better; http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kaelras/saved/CgjTwP


I wouldn't skimp so much on the CPU cooler. Go with the CM Hyper 212 EVO as a minimum:


Did you check on the manufacturer website that that RAM was okay?