I5-6300HQ & 1060 or the i7-4720HQ & 980m


Jan 25, 2016
If it's gaming performance you're after, I would go for the Alienware. That's a desktop 1060, which is a good chunk faster than the 980M in the Asus. The CPU in the Dell loses hyperthreading and a little frequency, but the newer Skylake architecture makes up for some of those deficits (though not all), but the GPU will be a much bigger factor, and the Dell is clearly the leader there.

If you have a particularly brand or design preference for the Asus that could swing you in that direction, but if your primary metric is gaming performance, I'd argue that the Dell is the clear winner.
Yeah I'm more of a gaming performance. Do you know by any chance which one of these two brand have better cooling? I don't mind the noise. Im just paranoid about the heat.

The Asus is very solid: http://www.anandtech.com/show/9465/the-asus-rog-g751-review/8

I'm not sure about the Dell. None of my usual go-to sites seem to have reviewed that Alienware 15 R2, but there are a number youtube reviews around. You could check them out.
Wow thank you for the link. I was so impress with the cooling of asus. Anyway, I just realize that there's 17 inch available here with i7-6300. Would it be worth the extra $120 around ?

17" Dell? Check the specs on the monitor, because some of those Alienware ones are higher res, or refresh rate, or Gsync, etc.

Are the specs the same other than the display? If it's just the display, I can't say whether it's worthwhile. It'll be bigger, heavier and more expensive, but a larger display. Is that worth more money to you?
The only difference are the size and the cpu. 17inch has a i7-6700 compared to i5-6300 of the 15. Not sure if there's any performance gap when it comes to just pure gaming

There is the occasional situation in the occasional game where the i7's hyperthreading will help. The i7 also has an extra 300mhz (~10%) performance boost on the base and boost clocks.

So in the odd game the i7 would potentially give a small performance boost. Often the CPU limited scenarios happen in short bursts, like when the game is loading area in the background, which can manifest itself as short dips in your frame rate. In terms of "normal" or sustained performance, I don't believe there are any games out there at present where that mobile i5 won't be able to manage 50+ fps for 95% of frames. What the i7 would do however, is not bottom out quite as low for those occasional dips in the odd game where that's an issue. Even then, it's only a little faster, so at best you might see something like a 25fps for a second or two instead of 20... hardly world changing.

That's just my rambled hypothetical speculation here. Some hard and fast benchmarks might be more helpful. However I suspect we're over thinking this. The i5 is a solid mobile gaming CPU. Get whichever laptop you like best.