i5 6500 runs everything better and faster than my i7 6700k....


Oct 3, 2016
When I first built the pc I'm currently using, I used an h170 mobo with an i5 6500 cpu and a radeon rx480. Then I later upgraded to an i7 6700k and a gtx 1080. Keep in mind that I'm still using the same mobo; the h170. It runs certain games fine, like the witcher 3, overwatch at ultra 200% resolution at 1080p. But games like gta v, raim bow 6 siege, h1z1: king of the kill, black ops 3, all run HORRIBLY! I was just wondering why one day, and switched out my i7 with my i5, but this time the i5 was with the gtx 1080. It ran games WAY better! I'm quite frustrated at the fact my pc is doing this to me. I just want to know what I'm doing wrong here. Any help is and will be appreciated!

PC Specs:
GPU: nvidia geforce gtx 1080
Mobo: gigabyte h170m-ds3h
PSU: corsair cx600 80+ bronze
CPU: i7 6700k @ 4ghz
CPU Cooler: cooler master hyper 212 evo
RAM: 8gb ddr4 corsair vengeance @ 2400mhz
Monitor: Dell gaming monitor se2417hg

-I was thinking it would be the mobo that MIGHT bottleneck the cpu, but I didn't think it would.
-Maybe it's the PSU? Should I get a larger one?
-I bought another of the same stick of RAM to increase it to 16gb ddr4. But I don't know if it will help.

Not fully sure, but you sort of have 2 options, RMA...
Have you checked the temperatures of the 6700K/6500 while gaming?

Are you using the stock cooler for the 6500, I believe the 6700K doesn't come with one, in which case the 6500's cooler will be 'just good enough' for the 6500, so the 6700K might be bottlenecked and underclocked by overtemperature protection.

says Hyper 212 Evo

Woops, missed that 😛

Temperatures would still assist, although I doubt it is that.

Also, what is your CPU usage on both CPU's.

Thank you for responding so quickly! That actually surprised me, but I did use the i5 6500 stock cooler on the i7 6700k for a couple weeks, and then I switched the cooler out with the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.
I've looked at my cpu temps and they run from 18c to 23c, under load though, it is from 30c to 40c. Depends on the game.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I'm using one hdd for everything.
The HDD is a seagate 1tb desktop hdd sata 6gb/s .
I have previously had windows 8.1 on this drive, back in 2014 I believe, and am still using it.
Could this cause problems?

It could cause issues but I doubt it.

I really doubt it's anything to do with your HDD as it works perfectly fine on the 6500 but not the 6700K.

Is there any chance you could test the 6700K on a different MoBo/Computer? It will then allow you to see if the CPU miraculously has a fault or something, which again, I really doubt, it it is worth a try.

I don't have another socket 1151 mobo, but I was planning on buying one before Christmas.
It was going to be a Z170 so I could oc originally, but I don't know if it's worth it knowing that my cpu is having troubles anyway.

I'm gonna answer the other question about the cpu loads on gaming: The i7 6700k has usage ranging from 10% to 15%. The i5 6500 I'm not sure, I'm gonna guess that it uses about 22% when playing GTA V.

You're measuring the usage wrong, you'd need to monitor it while moving around in game, rather than tabbing out as it will clock down almost instantly.

It's a shame that you cannot test the CPU in another motherboard, as that would distinguish if it was the CPU or not.

You'd think that your CPU would run at least the same as your 6500, but it should be performing better.

Did you install the new drivers for it? Or can you get a spare HDD, reinstall windows and try the 6700K that way?
Does the BIOS recognise the i7 as an i7 6700K?
Have you tested the two CPU using any Benchmarks/stresstest?
Could it be something in the settings in the specific game titles? GTA V is known to have "issues".

I know, I bought the i7 thinking that it would increase fps, but it actually decreases on most games I like to play. And whenever I download the graphic drivers, if this is the drivers you are talking about, it says my computer doesn't meet the requirements and cannot finish installing the software.

We'll, I was able to get into the BIOS earlier today, now it isn't letting me.... So I can't check if it's recognizing it as the i7, I think it is, because I remember seeing something that said i7 6700k. On the other hand, my mobo has been having trouble letting me into the bios. I have to sometimes take the battery out of the mobo in order to get into the bios.
I never had this trouble until I switched the i5 with an i7. So I'm thinking it might be the mobo.
I guess it could be the motherboard.

If you're willing to ask/get the Z170 Motherboard early, then there's no harm in doing so, as if it ends up being the CPU, you can just RMA it as faulty, which it technically is due to extremely low performance.

Could you check in programs such as CPU-Z what it is saying, and maybe upload a screenshot?


Don't know how to upload pic, sorry.


Any chance you could return it/RMA it saying faulty/DOA?

I don't know what else it could be other than the CPU, as it all works perfectly fine with the 6500.

Yes, I could. How long does it usually take to process and get one back?

Not fully sure, but you sort of have 2 options, RMA might not be the smartest of things first off.

Get the Z170 Motherboard early, and test to see if the 6700K is faulty or underperforming on that too, or RMA it and hope that it was faulty and the new one is much better.

Alright, thank you for everything.