I5 6600k lag?


Oct 10, 2015
Hi everybody, so I have an I5 6600k, my graphics card is a gtx 950 ftw and my motherboard is a Gigabyte B150m. Now, people told me that the 950 would bottleneck the 6600k but it would still be better preforming then the i3 6100, and I feel like they were right but at the same time not so much? In games I get good performance and all of my things are properly cooled, im positive, but for some reason I am getting lag spikes in games that I did not use to get? Anybody know why? Is this what a bottleneck looks like? My apology, Im no pro with computers.

the 6600k isnt a bottleneck with that card, make sure a temps are of and run something like HWMonitor to monitor temps in game. the lag spikes could be caused by the 950 as it is on...

the 6600k isnt a bottleneck with that card, make sure a temps are of and run something like HWMonitor to monitor temps in game. the lag spikes could be caused by the 950 as it is on the low end gpu but still capable

Well, I upgraded a day ago and i am only now getting these spikes, so its not the 950 unless I broke it or something between swapping the mobo
Why did you buy the 6600k? Can't oc it with that board anyway, but sounds like it probably a temperature issue, that's typically what stuttering is. That 950 will bottleneck a whole lot of things more than the 6100 was. 85% of games you'll see less than 2 fps by upgrading the cpu
People seem to think that this is an issue with my graphics card but it most CERTIANLY IS NOT as I have had this card for nearly a year and did not experience these issues until i made the change to the 6600k. This is partially my bad as I didnt disclaim that
Didn't say it was your gpu, said it was most likely a temperature issue with the cpu, then mentioned you would have been better off getting a better gpu than the cpu upgrade. I would also suggest resetting the CMOS on your motherboard and see if that helps clearing your bios

Youre right, it most likely is an issue with my cooling, I was not quoting directly from you, read the rest and youll see people also said the same. And the reason I upgraded my CPU instead of my GPU is because the game I play are prodominantly CPU intensive, and those that are not I noticed a big upgrade from 30 FPS on a radeon 7730 to 200 on a GTX 950. Keep in mind, I never stated this but I for the last 5 years have played the same 8 games and dont plan on changing it, Im a boring person, the games are all CPU intensive or run fine with my GPU. Hence, I upgraded the CPU and went from 25 FPS in Dayz to 40 FPS, if you know the game, Im talking about the mod, which is not optimized, specifically in cherno.
Question from RadioSoap : "I5 6600k Is Lagging?"

Hi everybody so I recently got an I5 6600k as an upgrade from my FX 6300. Now, my graphics card is a GTX 950 FTW and I never got these stutter freeze lag spike things in games before. Anyways so I average with this new processor about 50-60 FPS and for some reason the game will randomly freeze for 5-10 seconds, it will stutter and it will lag but this is not at the fault of the graphics card as I never had this issue with my old processor. So what I am wondering is if my cooling is wrong? For cooling of my processor I have a Hyper T4 Cooler Master (2011 v3), here is a link to it: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103182 does this cool my processor properly or do I need a better one?