i5 6600k Streaming and Usage Problems

May 23, 2017
My specs are as follows
GPU: Asus ROG Strix 1060
CPU: i5 6600k no overclock
16GB DDR4 RAM @ 3000MHz
250GB Samsung 850 evo ssd
1TB WD blue HDD
Corsair z-170 Pro Gaming MOBO
PSU: Corsair 500w CX 500
I am having trouble streaming, my fps is fine in most games, 60+ in Overwatch on Epic settings and Rainbow Six Siege on medium settings, ect, however, my CPU usage is often at 100 and my stream stutters quite a lot, the gameplay is often smooth, I have tried many bit rate settings and changing between OBS and Shadow Play, but nothing seems to work. Even CSGO is hard to stream for me, and the odd thing is, for games such as Rainbow six, my CPU is often at 75% or higher even when not streaming, any ideas?

nice that was where I would have gone next.
So to begin that i5 isn't the best for streaming and gaming at the same time. The fact that it's only a quad core makes it not as good at multitasking like this. Try to lower your in-game settings a lot and turn down your stream resolution and frame rate.
As above, the i5 with only 4 threads is not a good choice for gaming and streaming. Your only option is an upgrade to an i7 or use a separate pc for streaming.

I don't own Rainbow Six but I have an OC'd 4670k (4.3 Ghz) which is similar to a stock 6600k. While it does ok I often see 80%-90% usage in my games even with frames capped to 60.

you could build another PC that has a higher core count and link them together so one Pc has the load of the game and the other has the load of the stream

I've already fixed my problem, thank You to the reply though, my mobo defaulted my ram to 2133 and that ended up bottlenecking my cpu, enabling xmp fixed everything, I stream at 1080p 60fps ultra and games run at 130+

nice that was where I would have gone next.

Yeah not really tho, ryzen was created more for competition than anything, the i5 6600k and 7600k still out perform the similarly priced ryzens for gaming in most cases, the only major improvements ryzen has over the i5s is multitasking, this wasn't a problem of my cpu not being capable, it was the problem of my ram bottlenecking the cpu