Question i5 6600k worth upgrading


Mar 29, 2019
My Specs

I have been thinking about upgrading my system lately and I just managed to get a 1080 Windforce OC on the cheap to replace my old 1050ti Gaming X.
I am currently thinking of upgrading my cpu (intel i5 6600k OC at 4.5GHz stable) and was considering either defecting to the other side and getting a Ryzen 7 1800X/2700 or upgrading within intel and going for an i5 7600K or maybe a used i7 6700k if I can find it.
I am thinking that if i go for a Ryzen I will have to get a new mobo as well so the cost is that much higher, but with the insane prices people still ask for the 1151 intel processors I will end up having to pay it anyway. For the money I would pony up for a brand new i7 7700k I could buy a Ryzen 7 2700X plus an Asrock Fatal1ty X370 Gaming X mobo. If I want to go above a 7700K where the CPUs actually cost sometimes less than a 7700K, I will have to fork over another sum for a MOBO upgrade, which gets me way out of budget. On the other hand going for a Ryzen I will be futureproofing my system with more cores/threads.

My question now is: Is it even worth it to upgrade my 6600K? Will I see a big difference or will it be like 10-15% increase with the 7700K or the Ryzen 7? And if so, which of the two routes would you recommend?

I usually use it for gaming (Battlefield V, Apex, PUBG, ME3) and for work.
R7 2700x + x470 chipset is a platform with future while 6th and 7th gen Intel is already dead. If you could "survive" with what you have now, maybe you should wait couple of month to see what may transpire with Ryzen3 and x570/b450 chipsets. If nothing else, Ryzen2 prices should be lower than now.
Problem is used 6700ks and 7700ks go for almost the same amount as a brand new 2700X. And I am worried the increase in performance would be limited for games like Battlefield V that bottleneck with anything less than 8 threads