i5 7200u not performing as expected on my laptop


Mar 12, 2017
Hey everybody :) ,
I have a Dell 5378 2-in-1 with an i5 7200u. This i5 comes with an HD 620 iGPU and from reviews of this CPU, it seems to game decently for my needs. I've recently tried running CSGO on this laptop and it seems to run at 40-45 FPS at lowest graphics at 720p (and it drops quite a bit so it's not playable for me). This is unnlike most reviews of this laptop that run CSGO at ~100 FPS at 720p. All my graphic drivers are up to date to my knowledge and there is no thermal throttling (as I checked using XTU). Could anyone know why this problem persists on my laptop? Any help is appreciated :)

Where I got my drivers from:

Reference video for FPS (is it trustable):
Try putting it in high performance mode, and always plugged in while you're gaming, most laptops default on balanced power mode, which affects the frame rates of games. Hope this helps :)