i5 750 build

A crazy pc dude

Mar 22, 2015
So i purchased a i5 750 with a mother board off of ebay for 125$ and i have 4x4gb ddr3 1600 and a gtx 950 soon to be gtx570 but should i be able to play most games and stipp render 1080p30 videos.

my current system is an
Athlon x4 860k @ 4.4ghz
8 gb ddr3 1600
Hyper tx3
evga 500w1
Gygabite FM2+ mobo
2x750gb hdd

i just render videos and surf the web
What is your 16GB of RAM and how old are the modules? Were they included with the motherboard? I'm asking simply because most newer 4GB modules are not compatible with a P55 motherboard.


i got it because i wanted to get an intel build to see if it will actually work becuase my lastone didnt and i was planning on getting an i7 980x and a 1366 mob later but i will be over clocking to around 4ghz