I5-750 CPU’s and PC3 12800 DDR3-1600 RAM ???

In the article, “Value DDR3 For Intel's P55: Six 4GB Kits Rounded Up?”, it was noted that “the retail i5-750 we purchased does not support the correct memory multiplier to reach DDR3-1600 speedes at the processor’s stock base clock”. That concerns me since I am planning to use this CPU and PC3 12800 DDR3-1600 RAM in my build. Is there an general issue with Intel i5-750 CPU’s and PC3 12800 DDR3-1600 RAM or a defect of just this particular chip?

Both AMD and Intel do not support DDR3-1600 at stock speed. In order to reach them you need to be able to adjust the memory multiplier.

As for the memory, it will run with the CPU but it will max out at DDR3-1333. It wont hinder your performance at all since the memory bandwidth alone of a Coire i5 is pretty high stock.

Is it an issue if you use the Asus P55 E- Pro software to manage your RAM memory? I am not interested in the fastest overclock possible, but fast and very stable.