[SOLVED] I5 7500 to I7 6700?


Jan 11, 2019
Hello, I have a question, I'm looking to upgrade My current CPU. I currently have an I5 7500, and i was thinking if i should upgrade it to an I7 6700?
and before you ask, yes i have consider upgrading to Ryzen, but My plans for that might be delayed till next year.
It will make minimal difference in ipc so just go for it, if you want to and if you do have a mobo for skylake, you can overclock with baseclock on skylake but only if your mobo supports it.
That is if you even care about overclocking, if you dont then maybe undervolt it with throttlestop, there are tutorials for both on yt, just search for them
It will make minimal difference in ipc so just go for it, if you want to and if you do have a mobo for skylake, you can overclock with baseclock on skylake but only if your mobo supports it.
That is if you even care about overclocking, if you dont then maybe undervolt it with throttlestop, there are tutorials for both on yt, just search for them