I5 8400 with Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO


It isn't silent...

Generally speaking a case needs to be 8" or wider to accept the Evo. That case is 8.39" wide https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119137. It will fit.

Unfortunately Cooler Masterhttp://www.coolermaster.com/service/support/model/RC-690/ is of no help. Regardless of that it will fit.

On a side note the Cryorig H7 is a little better than the Evo. It is also a little shorter. It's also easier to install.

Will this Cryorig H7 be silent on max load in games.

It isn't silent. You can adjust the fan curve in your BIOS until you find your sweet spot that balances cooling and noise.

I'd skip the T3. The 212 is pretty quiet even at load during gaming. I have two fans on my 212 Evo so I can set them a little lower for quieter operation. Only one fan is included but they include hardware so that the user can install a second fan.

The Evo won't block your RAM. Am I guessing? No, I'm not. I own the Evo and use Kingston HyperX Fury RAM
. I can barely fit a nickel in there.

Thanks I see It is tight fit
And what do you think about stock intel fans, are they any better on this new series of cpu? Are they loud on max load.?

I've never been a fan of their stock fans. They are ALWAYS(99% of the time) than an aftermarket cooler. In your situation I wouldn't be against skipping the aftermarket cooler if your budget needs that extra money. The 8400 is a non-K CPU so OC'ing isn't possible so stock cooling is all that's necessary. In my experience I have installed Intel's stock cooler and then an aftermarket cooler and saw a significant change but I also had a CPU that I could OC so I needed a bit of extra cooling. Some liken them to a helicopter and others say a jet taking off. Still others don't mind the noise. Noisy is subjective so all you can do is try out the stock cooler and decide for yourself.