i5 or i3 build?


Mar 29, 2017
I can't decide whether to go with an i5 build with a weaker gpu, or an i3 with a stronger one. Used parts are out of the question since I prefer having warranties on my parts.

Current PC:
Celeron G1820, 2,7 GHz dual
GT 710 2GB LP
(I want to keep my mobo and RAM to shrink the amount od things that can go wrong)

i3 build:
i3 4170
RX 560 4GB

i5 build:
i5 4460
RX 550 2GB
(if the GT1030 is better please inform me)

Your G1820 is a dual thread processor with a passmark rating of 2719 and a single thread rating of 1581. The single thread rating is more important for most games.
The I3-4170 has 4 threads and a rating of 5178 and a single thread rating of 2132.
The I5-4460 also has 4 threads and a rating of 6674/1946.

You could go either for a nice upgrade.

But, since the 4th gen processors are out of production, you will be forced to buy used or pay a premium.

Mining has caused overpricing on amd graphics cards.
Use tom's gpu hierarchy chart to find an appropriate performing card so you can compare prices.
I might think a GTX1050ti would be appropriate.
Never i3.

If you need a budget CPU, Pentium G with Hyperthreading is a better option.

For midrange, Ryzen > i5 for pretty much everything.

The only high end Intel CPU that offers better performance for the cost is the i7 7700k...* if you are JUST gaming.

If gaming + productivity, Ryzen again is the better option.

He is keeping everything and just changing CPU and graphics card.

He isn't building a whole new system.
Is a gtx 1050 2gb doable with the i5 ? That's probably worth it at the right price.

Personally I wouldn't have an issue with a locked haswell i5 second hand (from a decent source with good rep)

They're not open to abuse at all & a lot have been pulled from low usage dells & HP's.

Recommended for Tekken 7 is a GTX 1060. (A lot faster then the RX 560)

So I believe a GTX 1050Ti would be the better choice over the RX 560.

I still believe saving a bit more would give a much better experience.
Nier isn't an easy game to run full stop

What's your monitor resolution ??

If you're happy with 1366x768 (720p) them the 550 would likely manage 'OK' , the thing is though its only $30-40 more for a 560 which is quite literally twice as powerful.

I just see no point in the 550 at all personally at its pricepoint.

That i3 and RX 550.... It would hardly run at anything but low settings.

And i5 and RX 560 would be OK, still below recommended GTX 1060, the reason why I recommend the GTX 1050ti.

That and the I5 both, should run pretty well at good settings.


I tend to agree, would be a nice compromise for sure. :)
Your G1820 is a dual thread processor with a passmark rating of 2719 and a single thread rating of 1581. The single thread rating is more important for most games.
The I3-4170 has 4 threads and a rating of 5178 and a single thread rating of 2132.
The I5-4460 also has 4 threads and a rating of 6674/1946.

You could go either for a nice upgrade.

But, since the 4th gen processors are out of production, you will be forced to buy used or pay a premium.

Mining has caused overpricing on amd graphics cards.
Use tom's gpu hierarchy chart to find an appropriate performing card so you can compare prices.
I might think a GTX1050ti would be appropriate.


And here is a i5 4460 right now for $130 and free shipping from a GOOD seller.
