
My instinct is to say: Neither.

However... What are you starting with and what are you doing? What is the budget involved?

Without knowing exactly why you are choosing between these two specific processors, it's kind of hard to make a recommendation.

agreed neither are really good for modern games anymore. logically, the CPU to go for would be the I5 since it has more cores and is a 2nd gen CPU where the I3 is likely 1st gen


The i3 is clearly second gen and the 750 is pre-sandy bridge and is gen 1. There is no where to go with the 750, whereas you could pick up a 2700/3770(k) (bios dependent) and install that and get 4C8T as an easy upgrade.
GIven an indication of costs and budget, what GPU you are using etc. then a better decision could be made, i'm tempted by the i3 and an upgrade.


As already mentioned, both are getting kind of borderline for modern games.

Depending on how much each option costs, the i3 may make more sense mainly for the option of slapping something between the i5-2500 and i7-3770k (depending on what the motherboard supports) on it at some point in the future to make it decent by modern standards.

Otherwise, you are down to something on par with modern Pentium chips which are barely adequate for a growing number of modern games.

my mistake, i had the model numbers messed up. it's still a close call,

IMO the i5 would still have the advantage since it is a true quad core