i5 or i7? Which will work better for recording Minecraft and more?


Jul 13, 2014
In the month of march 2014, I stupidly bought into amd's FX 6300, it is still fine for the time being, but I want to record. In 1080p too, so I tried with fraps and obs with Minecraft. But once I changed from 720p to 1080p I noticed something, FPS DROPS AS LOW AS 6!!! And it was very jittery even when not recording, so I got a job and I am now on my way to buy a new mobo and CPU in the next few weeks, so I've narrowed it down to two CPUs and one motherboard, but the motherboard isn't what I really need help with but suggestions are accepted with gratitude! :) So the i7 4790 or the i5 4690?
All I really will be doing is some light video editting , recording Minecraft on high in 1080p (almost like the yogscast!) And other basic games.
PS when I do upgrade my GPU will still be the MSI GHz edition HD 7770 but I will be upgrading to a gtx 760 in the future!

Thank you all!

Try optimizing it first. Like I said, watch the video I linked to in my previous post. You need to do a few things to use Dxtory to its full potential. For one, its default codec writes too fast and isn't that great. You need to benchmark your HDD within Dxtory to make sure it's capable enough (at least 80 MB/s write speeds) or it'll bottleneck you regardless of your CPU. In addition, change the codec to the Lagarith lossless codec for the best results, as the default codec needs super fast write speeds to not lag. Lastly, there's an option to specify Dxtory to use at least three if not all six of your cores, which will improve your performance all around. Go see if the latest version of Dxtory, combined with the suggestions from that...
Anything related to video encoding, recording, streaming and editing will benefit from more cores/threads. Go with i7 or Xeon.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($249.90 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-HD3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($71.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $321.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

This Xeon is a i7 4770 with industrial flavour and the price of a i5. You can't go wrong.
If you dont want to change mobo, you could get an 8320 to add more cores, make sure your mobo can support it, or overclock your cpu. I suggest overclocking first before buying anything. That may save you some money, but buying the intel solution would be much faster.
Before shelling out $350, try only shelling out about 10% of that (or less). You're using crappy recording software. I have an FX-6300 as well. FRAPS is awful for actual recording. If you want to properly record, go use Dxtory. It's what I use. If you scroll around, you can get it for free... but that's illegal and it's so good I actually recommend paying for it, but that's up to you. Dxtory is an amazing recording software. Look up some videos for how to optimize it to its best potential, such as this one:

The video quality it produces is absolutely superb (though the file sizes are typically pretty huge so look out for that), and Dxtory has barely any performance hit (I'm talking 1 - 5 fps at most). It's a great software, highly popular for recording games. Seriously, check it out before upgrading if you're happy everywhere else with your FX-6300.
Thank you all for all your help an suggestions but I was using a copy of dxtory trial for a while and it wouldnt bring the best results the thing is amd has low quality single cores so in single core programs, like Minecraft it fails, but I guess I'm just wondering if an i5 will record Minecraft?
Try optimizing it first. Like I said, watch the video I linked to in my previous post. You need to do a few things to use Dxtory to its full potential. For one, its default codec writes too fast and isn't that great. You need to benchmark your HDD within Dxtory to make sure it's capable enough (at least 80 MB/s write speeds) or it'll bottleneck you regardless of your CPU. In addition, change the codec to the Lagarith lossless codec for the best results, as the default codec needs super fast write speeds to not lag. Lastly, there's an option to specify Dxtory to use at least three if not all six of your cores, which will improve your performance all around. Go see if the latest version of Dxtory, combined with the suggestions from that video, improve performance. It shouldn't be a single core issue. I used Dxtory to record a full 10 minute run of Morrowind with the 3.0 Overhaul at 1080p/30fps and it was smooth as butter on my FX-6300 @ 4.5 GHz -- and Morrowind with its 3.0 Overhaul is an absolute monster on single cores (I can rarely get past 45 fps on it while outdoors, and the performance hit was practically invisible while recording).

However, I'll unselect my answer anyway, (though I appreciate it, PandaBear270) since the OP isn't satisfied. To answer the OP's question, yes, an i5-4690(k) will do recording and video editing just fine -- better than an FX-6300 for sure. An i7-4790(k) will be better overall but not by much in recording. In fact you probably wouldn't notice a difference in recording, likely even at 1080p/60 fps. However, if you do really heavy video editing you'll notice rendering times with the i7-4790(k) to be shorter.
nvidia and amd have solutions to record game play using separate hw on the gpu at no real performance cost, Shadowplay and Raptr Game dvr, you could try the raptr now it works with your hd7770 though its new and still in beta.

OBS is absolutely outstanding. It does not only give more options than you will ever need to adjust settings, but also support CUDA or other encoding technics. I'm personally going with shadowplay most of the time (easy to use + shadow recording :)) but if I didnt, OBS is definitely the "to go".

However, If you want to upgrade nonetheless, go with a good i7 and a z97 motherboard. That will be more performance than you need for many years.
Thanks a ton for all your guy's help, I may just try to keep working on recording with my FX 6300 but in the future I'll probably settle with an i5 4690 or the i7 if money allows!

Thanks a bunch