i5 or i7

Anavil Patel

Jun 18, 2014
I have gotten answers saying both are good. i want a cpu for gaming and browsing the internet. No editing videos or anything high level. I want to be able to not upgrade for at least a year or 2. I was wondering if new games such as watchdogs and gta v would use 17 and if hyper threading would be necessary in the future. its a hundred dollar difference. My gpu is a gtx 780 and i have an msi motherboard. i dont plan on overclocking.

i7-4790K!!! No doubt...

Yup, this benchmark is using a 290x which is slightly more powerful than the 780 so you should get 60+fps

This benchmark is lie!!! you need i7 4th gen for maxing out watch dogs! Ubisoft are being ubihard so.. i would say i5 but since 2014 apparently we need an i7 for gaming next games as well as fc4 tw3 will need an i7 cpu so if i were you i would go for an i7! If you think im lying see some videos of watch dogs i5 cpu and gtx 770-780-780ti that wont get 60fps on ultra even with msaa..

so i should get i7. Its either i5-4690 or i7-4790K

i7-4790K!!! No doubt according to that bench i will be getting like 60 fps on ultra lol my i5 3350p is equal to the i3 4th gen even maybe better dunno i know its equal to it and with my 770 on ultra 1440x900 i get 39-55 fps txaa 4x when i lower the view distance to low i get 54-70 including txaa 4x so. i7 is the s**t!!!
Don't get an i7 unless you have the money to spend for it. It will only increase your performance by a margin most of the time. Denis Stoikovski doesn't know what he's talking about. Only cpu heavy games benefit from the i7 over the i5


Okay he will get i5 and he will ultra only bf4 but lets see games like ac5 fc4 kingdom come deliverene watch dogs and more of the incoming games? I love the i5 cpu's am happy with my 3350p but the i5 is dead man companies are aiming at i7 etc this is business we can't do anything except buy the best stuff from them...
Most games don't use hyper threading which the i7 is the only big benefit over the i5. Most games now don't even use all 4 cores. Almost all the time, the gpu will limit the fps you can achieve, and not the cpu(between i5 and i7). Will an i7 outperform an i5? yes, but most of the time its not worth the 100$ to most. ac5 and fc4 aren't even out yet and there are no benchmarks for them yet so you can't even say that these games will benefit from an i7.
all i want is to be able to play open world games like gta and watchdogs at a high fps smoothly with no lag. When gta 5 comes out in the fall i want to be able to play it smoothly. I would rather spend a hundred now and get the i7 rather than $300 to upgrade my cpu in a few months. If i can play gta v with an i5 i'll buy it

Even fc 3 didn't run well on i5 it needs for ultra i7 3th gen

for open world i7 no doubt. yes my cpu is i5 and it max out bf4 on ultra with 60 fps no dips but i can't in wd for an sandbox games you need i7. Even my i5 had some problems with skyrim which is openworld tho