i5 outperforms i7?


Dec 3, 2014
Hey guys can anyone explain why the i5 4690k outperforms the i7 4770k in single core and dual core speeds?


I know it's only a marginal change but I'm curious to know why.

I've been considering buying the i5 4690k but recently found an i7 4770k ex-demo for roughly the same price (not to mention you can get them for slightly more from certain companies when they're in stock!) and am tossing up which one to get.

Thanks in advance for any info :)
such "benchmark" sites are not the best to look up performances.

Both have 3,5GHz and hyperthreading of the i7 mostly is bad for games or they don´t use the extra threads. So the I7 has no advantages of its technology in games.
I7 clearly is for professional use such as 3D modelling, video editing,... and apps that use Hyperthreading

here you can get a better overview:

Do you mean it just doesn't change in performance due to the extra threads being used or is there actually a decrease in performance? I'm hoping to get a licence for Solidworks and ANSYS at some stage in the next year (not set in stone though) which is why I was considering the i7 but my main use is pretty general stuff; web, music, games, word processing, etc so don't exactly want to take a hit in performance on these activities for an increase in the CAD side of things haha

Last I checked ht improved my bf4 fps? I check again if you want me to, maybe in a specific scenario?
Benches of some newer games see min/ave fps improve with i7 over i5, check out some frostbite engine games reviews. eg BF4/DA