i7 2600 required Clock Speed not to bottle neck 2 970 SLI


Oct 5, 2015
Hi, I plan to buy another GTX Nvidia Geforce 970 and SLI

My question is, What frequency should I set my CPU so that it won't bottleneck my (future) 2 GPU, (I wish it is enough)

I'll be posting another thread later about what maximum display monitors should this setup can support...

Here's my specs:

Chassis: Raven 02-Evolution USB3.0
PSU: Corsair AX760 Platinum
MoBo: MSI Z77 Mpower
CPU: Core i7 2600 non K (OC to 3.98 Ghz) via x39 102Mhz
CPU Cooler: Silverstone Tundra 03-Lite
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 970
RAM: 2x4GB Avexir Core 1600Mhz (Blue)
HDD: Assorted (5 drives) 4TB 7200RPM
SSD: None

Sorry for my bad english
Please don't suggest buying new processor, I won't leave my sandy bridge 😛:kaola:

Thanks! But I got a Non K Sandy Bridge, How much should I set the Vcore? Still a noob in OCing
4.3 Ghz would be my goal

btw, I plan to build a new PC (since my desktop above is in the Philippines), Should I get i7 2600k ($220 used)+ Z77 AsRock Extreme4 (160 Brand New) or Choose i5 6600k ($ 270 Brand New) +Z170 Board? Thanks... I can swap the (newly brought) K series to my Mpower if I choose i7

Will be waiting for opinion ^_^

I plan to build a new system, means I will have 2 computer. 1 here in US and 1 in the Philippines... Please guide me how should I OC my Non K i7, when I set my multiplier to x42 and restart my system, it returns a 39.8 value using OC Genie...
Or should I change may Ram kit? currently at 1600Mhz from Avexir... Still too afraid to do a manual adjustment... i got blue screen when I first try

Thanks, I'll just wait for other opinion before choosing your answer as best Cheers!

What would be your ideal price for used i7 2600k? Thanks
Try to set the multi to 42 and see what happens. I forgot the i7 2600 only runs 3.8ghz turbo and not 3.9ghz like the i7 2700. A lot of Z boards will let you set the multi +4 over the stock turbo speed. If that works, I would set the fsb back to 100 and leave it alone.

via OC Genie, I got 39.8Mhz... there were time it spike to 42 in 1 core while tweaking and editing some setting... But, my friend told me not to push since my Ram isn't that strong yet (Got a Core Avexir Core 1600Mhz). It runs Stable for 3 days, but I turned off the OC since I don't need it for a while (there where really no difference in gaming, except in Video Rendering which is a couple of mins faster)... the fsb was 102Mhz that time, I revert it to 100.5 as its default.
Yes you should be able to get 4.2ghz on one core, 4.1ghz on two cores, and 3.9ghz on four cores. That's what I was talking about. That a GOOD overclock. More than enough for SLI 970s. Put your fsb back to 100 and it won't affect your RAM at all.

If you where me, would you change Ram to Higher frequency? Currently have Avexir for the looks.. would add new RAM if the Ram brand is good enough

PIcture With my GTX 550Ti Colorful
