Hey all, hope all is well.
Ok I have a H100 cooler from corsair, my idle temps are 50c and with prime95 it goes up to 98+ this is not right I'm sure of it . I reapply thermal paste (Arctic silver5), re-seat HSF, checked bios, fans plug directly to psu. I switched fans and same thing. I am OCing right now at 4.2Ghz with 1.28v, system tends to throw freaky "Windows detects system is running slow" message when I run my games, been on this for 3 days now nothing changed so I am asking for help. Case is NZXT Phantom two 200mm on top one on side and 120mm next to HDD bays, the radiator has two 120mm in push/pull config( I have tried 6 fans from diff company's same result). Room temp is 55F, summer is coming I'm getting worried here. All response welcome and thanked in advanced!
Ok I have a H100 cooler from corsair, my idle temps are 50c and with prime95 it goes up to 98+ this is not right I'm sure of it . I reapply thermal paste (Arctic silver5), re-seat HSF, checked bios, fans plug directly to psu. I switched fans and same thing. I am OCing right now at 4.2Ghz with 1.28v, system tends to throw freaky "Windows detects system is running slow" message when I run my games, been on this for 3 days now nothing changed so I am asking for help. Case is NZXT Phantom two 200mm on top one on side and 120mm next to HDD bays, the radiator has two 120mm in push/pull config( I have tried 6 fans from diff company's same result). Room temp is 55F, summer is coming I'm getting worried here. All response welcome and thanked in advanced!