
May 29, 2011
I have a 2600K CPU with a CoolMaster V8 cooler & Iam getting temps at Idle from 35-50C Is this normal???? Also my room temp is about 27c
I dont know how to check temps during loads like when Iam playing Battlefield 3 or something like that. I was thinking in overclock the CPU but If I do it might go to 50-60 at Idle or I dont know...
Thanks :)


Mar 21, 2012
35C at idle with that room temp is totally fine, that's actually what I get and I'm in a much colder room. Download HWMonitor, and leave it on while you game. Look at the max temperature recorded.
I have a Hyper 212 Evo on my 2500K, and I get 29-33C at idle, with SpeedStep and Turbo enabled, and with SpeedStep and Turbo disabled, at 4.6GHz and 1.336V Vcore (idle, it goes to 1.280V at 100% load), I get 37-41C. In Prime 95 i get 64-68C, with that same 4.6GHz OC.

35C idle is just fine obviously, but I don't understand why you would be seeing 50C with the V8. I would say that if it stays at 50C a lot at idle you need to make sure that it's properly seated and you may need to take it off and re-do the thermal paste.

As far as how to see temps while you're in a game, just load up Real Temp, CoreTemp, or any monitoring program, really, and leave it open while you play. When you get done, just go back to the program to see what the max temp was.

I should add that my room temp is 73F.