I7 3770 or i5 4460


Dec 2, 2016
Hi just wanna ask, i wanna upgrade from my fx 6300, im pretty sure that my fx will struggle running monster hunter world or pubg. Which one should i get? I dont do overclock and both of them are at the same price. Thanks.
i7 3770 has 2 threads per core, 8 total and benefits greatly with multi-threaded applications/games using hyperthreading. Even single core performance is great on the i7, so i don't see a reason choosing the i5.

Is it still strong for like 3-5 years? I wont upgrade except gpu..

5 years goes too far but taking into account the progress over cpu performance of the last years i'd say you ll be fine for a couple or 3 years, after which it may start showing its age

Hey one more question, i just found i5 3570 for around $83 (Rp. 1.150.000, Converted from $1 = Rp. 13.700) and i5 3470 for $73 (Rp. 1.000.000). What do you think? Is it a good deal? Btw the i7's price is $130 (Rp. 1.800.000) and so is i5 4460. If i choose to buy i5 3570/3470, do you think its worth upgrading from fx 6300 to i5 3570/3470?

Going to these i5s is not an upgrade, they were good cpus back then when i5's were the gaming standard. Today, many games are exceeding those 4c/4t capabilities

It's major improvement, isnt it? I Saw in cpu.userbenchmark and it said i5 3570 is like 30% better than fx (single and multi core performance), sell my fx + mobo and buy i5 3570 + h67 for the same price, great deal huh?

I guess many i5's beat the fx. However the higher number of cores/threads of the Fx cpu can outperform the i5 in some games. I wouldn't invest my money to buy a similar product. i7 3770 is still rock solid, if you find one in decent price then go for it, otherwise don't waste your money, save up for a complete upgrade path to Ryzen or 8th gen Intel.

Actually, ddr4 platform in my country is so freaking expensive so i decided to still use ddr3 platform, thats why i chose i7 3770. I think imma go with the i7 with b75 mobo, i dont think h77 or z77 fits in my case.

I see. An overclocking motherboard with multicore enhancement can clock i7 3770 up to 4.3 ghz as they are "partially unlocked". It's a marginal gain, but even at stock, it is a hell of a chip even today. Good luck
I went recently from an FX 6300 up to an i5 3570K and the performance difference overall, especially in games is very big.

Take Mafia 3 for example, with the 6300 and the same GPU I had to play at 720p(1280x720)and the game was still slow and choppy. Now with the i5 3570K I can play at 1600x900(my monitor's max resolution) and the game is fluid, and the only thing I changed in the game's configurations was the resolution.

PS: I still haven't overclocked my 3570K, it's so fast I don't really need to. Take a look at this comparison between the i5 3570K and the i7 3770K and see for yourself:

Make other comparisons and you'll see how good this i5 is.
The Core i5 4460 has a 10% IPC advantage over to 3770 but turbo vs turbo there is a 500MHz boost on the 3770 vs the 4460. That gives the 3770 a 5% lead overall on single core performance. So you would notice much difference between the CPU's up to quad core usage but the 3770 has hyperthreading which gives it on average an extra 30% performance for multithreaded workloads. The correct choice is obvious. The 3770. It's better in almost every way. It's only worse in the fact that it has 10% less ipc but it makes up for that with more clockspeed. Neither CPU is capable of overclocking. So don't even worry about that.

I'm assuming the OP isn't going with a Z series board. I knew there was a way to overclock a non K CPU on a Z77 board. I've never personally had the opportunity of doing that though. It's uncommon to get non K chips with Z motherboards.