i7 3770k vs i5 4670k


Jan 26, 2014
So guys i have a budget where i can afford either a i7 or the new haswell i5
I currently use a mobo with the socket 1155, it is not an overlockable motherboard
And also would the money be better spent on an i5 3570k?
Im kinda new in this cpu thing, dont judge me to hard x..x
I currently use an i3 3320 and i find it rather slow when im playing games and having my browser open playing music
I do also have 8gb of ram ddr3 1300mhz and a radeon 6850 😛
Wich seems to work fine
Any toughts on this?
Thank you :)
Since you already have a socket 1155 motherboard I would go with a 3570 or a 3770. It simply would not be worth the cost for the amount of performance you would gain getting a new motherboard and a 4670K. Both a 3570 or 3770 will outperform your 6850.
K means overclock-able so if you don't plan on OC then don't get those ones

If your mobo takes an i7 then the 3770 will be your best choice for now since you said your mobo cannot overclock. also keep in mind that an i5-3670 will play games just as well as a i7 because games do not use hyperthreading.

If you want to get into overclocking then get a new z87 mobo and a i5-4670K

but the "K" version does have higher clock i think, the i7 for example the non K version has 3,4ghz and the K one has 3,5Ghz
would it make a difference?
also, in the future, when games start asking for more requirements wouldnt the overclock ability help me improve my experience to handle such games?

Ya the clock difference is 100MHz not really significant for the extra money you spend usually($10 or so I would just get the K regardless). For your other question yes overclocking will help you stretch another generation or two before upgrading vs non OC CPU.

sorry to be bothering you, but do you think its worth the i7 over the i5 of the socket 1155? (the i5 costs 100 euros less)
and would you recomend this cpu upgrade? or should i give priority to upgrade my gpu? (radeon 6850) i usually play on a 1080p monitor :s
i dont play many fps titles, recently got battlefield 4 but i only play it from time to time, i mainly game rts and mmo's =P

I think you would get more use out of the i5 than a gpu since you have already noticed a lag from multitasking the i 5 will take care of that. Since you didn't say you noticed any FPS problems and don't play too often the GPU can wait as your GPU isn't terribly old yet

thank you very much, i think i will go with the i5 then ^^