[SOLVED] i7 3930k Bottlenecking 1080?

Jan 2, 2019
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if there was any way that my gtx 1080 is being bottlenecked by an i7 3930k processor running at around 3.5 gHz? (3.5 per each of 6 cores). If so would the bottleneck be noticeable in terms of fps? For example, right now, at 1440p, 100hz (overclocked monitor), in GTA V. I’m getting a steady 50 fps, but I thought a 1080 was designed to provide much better performance even on 1440p. (Also the core temps for my cpu are around 52 degrees celcius, if that might affect performance). Additionally, I have a strange prebuilt pc from lenovo i think the Erazer x700 with a pretty old and off-brandish motherboard, which might also be the culprit?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Single core performance is very important for high FPS and your CPU’s single core performance isn’t going to be anywhere near modern cpu’s. I would not be surprised if 1 or more cores are hitting 100% and limiting your fps.
Well, after you mentioned that the system is a prebuilt, my suggestions for overclocking that system has gone out the window. The VRM and the cooling on it looks dodgy which is why I can't suggest you go any higher with an overclock.

Might I ask what games you task the system with?

I’ve tested it with GTA V (50 fps), CSGO (120-270 fps), Fortnite ( 110-180 fps), max settings

I see. In that case, what would be the next best cpu within a reasonable price range? Since the motherboard is likely out of date, what would you recommend I replace it with if the cpu socket is incompatible?

Being a Lenovo I have no idea if the case or psu use standard fittings and the Windows license won’t be transferable. Unfortunately this leaves you looking at a new build except for GPU and possibly HDD/SSD. What you go for depends on a few factors such as budget and desire to overclock. An ideal setup would be based around i7 8700k/9700k or Ryzen 2600 and above. Pair these with 16gb DDR4 and suitable motherboard/psu/case.