i7-4700MQ vs i7-2600k


Mar 30, 2014
I'm web designer and developer and I like to game as well. I've been looking to buying a new laptop/desktop for both the reasons above. One of my friends is ready to lend me his brand new i7-2600k (Desktop Processor) which I know is a desktop processor, possibly reducing my cost of building a custom desktop where as I'm also looking into Lenovo Y510P with an i7-4700MQ (Laptop Processor) processor.

I'm a little lost as to which one is better for me. If we leave the cost aside, and the basic obviousness that a desktop would not be portable where as the laptop would be. What do you think is better of the two processor and would possibly be better be a better choice to have for gaming and future needs and give better performance?
Obviously i72600k is better than i74700mq as a rule as desktop processor always gives higher performance than laptop's ones.
1. as you see i72600k is 2nd gen and i74700mq is 4th gen although this doesn't matter when comparing between laptop and desktop.
2. You shouldn't compare desktop and laptop processors. Rather make up your mind on your needs like portability, processing power, and their priorities according to you.

Yeah, my issue is performance based. I do want the portability that comes with a laptop but I'm scared of it's performance. I play games like FSX (Which is cpu intensive) and Rust and I wonder if Lenovo Y510P could handle it. On the other hand, if I stick to the desktop, I get my custom build with the possibility of future updates without having to discard the whole thing. Any advice?
Lenovo y510p is a sturdy built, you can depend on it. Although considering your market (I presume USA market), I bet you will get even better options in other companies like Asus at a much better rate.
Laptops although great for portability but you won't be able upgrade much. Ram, Hdd, and in some cases processor can be changed but not much. And even these changes are costly compared to desktop customization.
If portability is not that big priority or you wouldn't feel much difference in your work without it then I would suggest go for desktop. You can easily build something near a steam machine (google it if don't know) at the range you are talking about.
And if you choose smaller case and a portable screen with a fold-able keypad and a mouse you could build a portable desktop. There are tutorials on it.

Another one of the "Its a desktop CPU so obviously its faster" crowd.

I7-4700MQ is based on haswell and clocks in at 3.2 ghz under turbo.

i7-2600k is sandy bridge based and clocks in at 3.5 Ghz under four core load.

Single core speed has a similar delta (3.4 ghz vs 3.8 ghz).

Haswell is two generations newer and the increase in performance per ghz easily makes up the difference. Both have HT.

In face the mobile is a little faster. (HQ and MQ mobile chips have the same performance).


Just make sure it doesn't throttle.

The 2600k can of course be overclocked, assuming the mobo is capable.
Thanks for all the help guys. I think I got all the information I need for now. I guess I'll stick to the desktop for gaming and possibly look into a budget laptop later on.

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