[SOLVED] I7 4770 (non K) versus i5 4690k for gaming


Apr 23, 2016

I currently have an i5 4690 (non K) and this weekend I was thinking of buying the K version and modestly bump it to 4.0ghz once I got a cooler master hyper 212

Ive just spotted an i7 4770 for the same price and was interested in case it gives higher frames because of more threads etc.

It will be used with an 8gb rx 480, out of the 2 cpu which will give higher frame rates at 1080 and 1440p and by how much?

Thanks. Would you say overall the i7 might be better for all games? Just as an eg I play

Battlefield HL
Arma 3 (really want to see improvement)
Tomb raider
I'm actually stuck now on which to choose. Can't find any videos that show fps differences. I've read that single core performance is slightly better so I might be OK with an overclocked 4690k

Or does the i7 4770 run faster in certain games. Il let you know what I buy.

Thanks everyone
The first 4 threads are identical in all 3 cpus. For all intents and purposes they are the same cpu. The difference is only in the games you play and the thread counts needed and any benefits to higher clock count. Games like cs:go are low count, 4 or less, and respond better to higher clocks. So there you'll see a benefit to the 4690k. Games like BF or any mmorpg like WoW really benefit from high thread cpus, so the 4770s 8 threads will have pronounced benefits.