i7-4770k Will not reach 4.2 GHz


Jan 5, 2016
Hey there,

My PC is running an i7-4770K on an MSI Z87-GD65 Gaming motherboard, with Kingston 2400MHz 16GB (2x8GB) RAM, and a 980Ti graphics card from EVGA. I have been overclocking for a while, but never understood all aspects of it. I have been running my processor at 4.2GHz for over a year, and it has never gotten a blue screen, but recently I decided to attempt an even higher overclock, which didn't work. I was stupid enough to forget to save the overclock I had at 4.2GHz, and now I can't seem to go higher than 4.1 GHz. I might have lost the Silicon Lottery, but I know that I should be able to reach at least 4.2 GHz. I've tried all kinds of settings for both memory and CPU, and it doesn't seem to improve it much. The PC wont stay on for more than 2-3 minutes. I'm pretty lost right now, and I'm just wondering what to do next, so I would appreciate any help I could get. Can't remember my previous 4.2 GHz voltage, but I have tried up to 1,275V.

Thanks! :)

Ah one of those moments you'll never forget!
ive never worked on haswell before but i figure it be the same principal:
when ever i get to the point where im maxed on vcore and having problems booting or weird cpu fluctuations after boot, i mess around with ratios and ram timing.
one of the things i do is i drop my core speed a few hundred mhz and mess around with things to see what it affects or if it improves. iono if it makes sense but u have to figure out a way to find a sweet spot. and if ur messing with the wrong things then u can get lost easily and end up tinking with things that has nothing to do with ur problem.