i7 4790 maxing out while playing dying light enhanced edition, causing mouse to freeze. what to do?


Feb 15, 2015
I have a i7 4790 and an sapphire r9 390 nitro card.
While playing dying light, the cpu get's almost maxed out causing the mouse to freeze.
The gpu temps stay around 60ºC max.
The video settigs for the game are:

- Nvidia things turned off;
- Ambient oclucion on;
- Everything maxed out;

I experience no lag while playing. the game runs smoothly except for the mouse freezing sometimes because cpu is maxing out.
Is this normal? what can I do

The cpu stays at ~60% but sometimes the usage goes a bit higher cause the mouse to freeze. Nope, no antivirus scanning

No it's usb. I did saw some weird things like when I unpluged the mouse and then plugged it back in it started to install the driver but it appeared as a gaming keyboard instead of gaming mouse like previously. And sometimes I can click but the mouse icon doesn't appear. but I have a dual boot system, and in the second OS I haven't found any issues with the mouse.