I7 4790K 4.4Ghz on H60 temps


Aug 25, 2014
Ok I recently upgraded my cpu and motherboard to a I7 4790K and a Asus Z97-a usb3.1 Ok so I had turned off turbo and then overclocked my cpu myself back to 4.4Ghz and while running prime95 My cpu temps are upper 60s sometimes lower 70s. I just want to know if these are safe since my cooler is just a H60 which is a single 120mm fan. I got good airflow through case and push/pull on the radiator. while running Intel burn test it gets into the uppper 70s.

Thanks for looking

It's really good temps for Prime95, since Prime95 doesn't represent real world stress for the CPU. Aslong as they're under 80-90C, the temps are fine!

It's really good temps for Prime95, since Prime95 doesn't represent real world stress for the CPU. Aslong as they're under 80-90C, the temps are fine!