Hey guys,
I've been interested in the i7-4790k for awhile and made a build for it. but after realizing the i7-5820k was only $20 more I planned on just getting that. However, I then realized I would have to change the motherboard and ram on the i7-4790k build I had before because they aren't compatible with the i7-5820k, so the price got bumped up a little more than I wanted. Anyways, what I am asking is: Is it worth it to go ahead and spend the extra money on the i7-5820k build listed below, or should I stick with the i7-4790k?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are the builds:
i7-4790k Build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/DeputyJake/saved/nqNTwP
i7-5820k Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XkFRbv
UPDATE: I will mostly be gaming with this computer, but do plan on doing some video editing.
I've been interested in the i7-4790k for awhile and made a build for it. but after realizing the i7-5820k was only $20 more I planned on just getting that. However, I then realized I would have to change the motherboard and ram on the i7-4790k build I had before because they aren't compatible with the i7-5820k, so the price got bumped up a little more than I wanted. Anyways, what I am asking is: Is it worth it to go ahead and spend the extra money on the i7-5820k build listed below, or should I stick with the i7-4790k?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here are the builds:
i7-4790k Build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/DeputyJake/saved/nqNTwP
i7-5820k Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XkFRbv
UPDATE: I will mostly be gaming with this computer, but do plan on doing some video editing.