I7 4790k hyper 103 are These temps safe


Sep 13, 2017
...i need your help guys i have i7 4790k & a hyper 103 air cooler....the ideal temperature is 45- 50 degree & while gaming it is 70 to 75... even 78 or 80... is it good for playing games at this temps or should i change the cooler & if it is good will it cause any damage to my processer in future..... And o forgot to say that i have not over clocked.. it is on stock speed..hope you reply... & help me out
they where 2 fans on top at least you need the front and back one put one it the back as exhaust and if you have he one on the link your ok for the suggested cooler but made shue it is the righ one since the other model with same number only support up to 155 mm cooler so that you wil have to check .

But i have not oc'ed it and dont either want to oc it.... Is there an cooler problem.. i mean thermal paste some kinda things like that .... Bcoz its not a stock cooler..or hyper 103 is not that ENOUGH for it...
you could try to repaste but with a 92 mm fan on this cooler dont expect to have low temp in same level as a cooler that have a 120mm fans and better cfm http://www.coolermaster.com/cooling/cpu-air-cooler/hyper-212x-eu/ compare this one with your .

Hello there .. i guess something is wrong with my cooler ... If i reapply thermal paste and the temps go below like 72-68 while gaming.. is it safe to use for dailyusage. ... As am not using a stock cooler right or oc'ing it
Quick update about my problem guys... i have re-applied the thermal paste ... And now temps are about 35-42 degree on idle.. And i was playing fifa 17 about 35 to 40 mins... It was 72-75 degree are these temps safe.....
Am about to buy hyper 212 evo .. but can i go with the current cooler for 2-3 months.. if it is safe..
Hyper 212 would be an upgrade. It's about the same as a Cryorig H7, which is now more recommended than the Hyper 212. Either will be good enough to OC to 4.6GHz.

If you can afford something like Cryorig H5 that would be a better upgrade that would allow a higher OC. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF1W87430&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-CPU+Cooling-_-9SIA4UF1W87430&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ejNBRCYARIsACEBhDM5c3fx1djekkG-85E9bteGNmsIZl2oSRbqZ_43682vw6oFEZh02_UaAuCJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Or this Scythe Mugen 5 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA9ZH59H0503&cm_re=mugen_5-_-9SIA9ZH59H0503-_-Product

Am about to buy NOCTUA NH-D15 is it any good ...

Okk it will guarantee .. but can you tell me what will be the temps after installing this cooler on a stress test..... Thanks for giving your time...

As is said i re-applied the thermal
..now temps on idle is like 45-52... And while gaming ....
70-75 max... Is it safe ....

Here it is but i have removed the two upper fans
they where 2 fans on top at least you need the front and back one put one it the back as exhaust and if you have he one on the link your ok for the suggested cooler but made shue it is the righ one since the other model with same number only support up to 155 mm cooler so that you wil have to check .