Chiffer :
Mark_1970 :
Chiffer :
Mark_1970 :
Chiffer :
Mark_1970 :
Chiffer :
Mark_1970 :
because you need 2004 bios to run that chip
That is weird. Ive read on many places that 1707 was enough.
I did update to the very latest driver this time (2103) and the issue is still there. Constant red light, and no boot.
it has to be 2004 , specific bios for that cpu only
Well, they are stating this on the link you sent me.
"If your motherboard BIOS version number is greater than the BIOS version listed above, then you will not need to flash your BIOS. However, if your BIOS version is smaller than the version listed above, then you will need to select and download the latest BIOS to update your system. "
Are you sure?
unless they state in cpu/bios compatibility list otherwise and asus say 2004 with that cpu, otherwise it would say bios number....... and after. Do what you want man. Obviously Asus and myself are wrong. Did you want an answer or a dispute
It states "Validated SINCE BIOS 2004". So dont be like that please. Ive tried so many things, and switched cpu back and forth so many times at this point. I dont want to do it unless it feels like it will fix my issue.
Still thankful for the answers you gave tho
you think asus would put 2004 bios as the one to run with that cpu for nothing, go to the bios downloads and read the 2004 bios notes...... for support to new devils canyon.....................YOUR CPU.
Well, asus are saying the CPU will work on every update after the 2004 update. Probably to let the people with the 2004 version know that they dont have to update it.
But I will try and get back with answers.
You have it wrong obviously because it does not work on latest,
does it
your board has bios flashback, , save the old bios onto usb and use it if 2004 does not work, at least try. those latest bios was made for other cpu's. 4790k has just one specific bios and it's latest of the type, it's beta