I7 4790k New Build Temperatures (High?)


Aug 21, 2014
Hello everyone!

I have been doing loads of research over the past month-2 months and finally worked up the courage to build my own PC. I finished the build yesterday and have been doing some light stress testing to check and see if there is any issues. Everything seems to be okay but I am a bit worried about my CPU temps and was hoping I could get a bit of help.

To start things off... Here is my build.

NZXT H440 Case
Noctua NH-d14 (which run 12-1300 RPM constantly even at idle for some reason)
I7 4790k at Stock 4.4 Turbo
Intel 530 120gb SSD
WD Black edition 1TB HDD
MSI Gaming 5 Mobo
Windows 8.1

Ambient Temps range from 70-77F but my temps are around 28-33 at Idle. This seems to be well within reason but considering my NH-d14 is running FULL BLAST constantly I would have expected it to be a bit lower. Further more I have done some testing on both Prime95 and Aida64 and get temps averaging about 63C on Aida64 (testing all 4 fields) and then temps as high as 80 peak when testing FPU only. Prime 95 on the other hand I got around 60C which seemed weird since I hear it is more harsh than aida.

I carefully seated the HS and made sure not to put too much paste but I guess that is always a possibility. I also have a kraken X61 I have considered swapping out with the Noctua but at this point I'm not sure what kind of temperatures I should realistically be seeing with this processor and the Noctua running 100%.

Also, I have removed the side panels and front panel of the case to maximize airflow and it seems to have made no difference in temps.

The Mobo also indicates a temps 1-4 degrees higher than that of aida and core temp so I'm not sure which to go by.

Hopefully I have covered all of the important things you may need to know. As this is my first build I'm sure I am forgetting something. Should I swap to the kraken x61 or are my temps suitable? During stress testing I also noticed that my chip was only running at 4200 even though turbo is set to 4400, any idea why this would be?

Thanks so much for your help!
Well thats good to hear. I can't find much on the 4790k with the Noctua so I was basing my judgement off of what I have read about the 4770k and I assumed the 4790k should be better. I saw a couple of reports of Idle at mid 18-24C so 30-33 for me seems crazy since my fan is at 100%.

I have no way to turn it down below 100%. I have tried the fan settings in the MSI Bios but both fans stay around 1200-1300 RPM constantly. They are connected to CPU_Fan1 and CPU_Fan2 slots on my Mobo.
Is that with Stock Clock speeds deathly1? What do you Idle at? I have seen a few cores go as high as 83 briefly when testing FPU only. That is the highest temp I have seen yet but considering I'm still stock clock speed I'm wondering if its possible to over clock since theres not much room to increase the heat any.

Thanks so much everyone for all of the responses! Its definitely good to hear. I was dreading pulling that big HS off and reseating it.
The temps curve is related to the clock AND the voltage. I can run mine at 4.4 and 4.6 with almost the same voltage (1.153-1.17V) and temp curve - about 30C idle and 65C peak temp on AIDA64 Stability Test with my D14 maxed. Peak on FPU-only is 82C. At 4.8, idle is around 34C, Stab Test peak core temp is 77C.

I think you probably have more room to OC then you might think. You might be at stock clock, but I'll bet your default core voltage is higher than it needs to be.
Also, you might check in your BIOS to see whether changing your CPU fan headers' setting will allow voltage control so you can set your D14 fans on a thermal profile. If it won't, you might consider switching the fans out for PWM models. I put an NF-A15 and NF-F12 on my D14 - I can't really tell the difference performance-wise at the top end, but they run quieter than the NF-P14/NF-P12 and PWM allows a lower idle.
I really can't thank you enough for all of the information. That makes sense about the voltage being high currently. I read that I should not leave it on auto (like it currently is) but I'm not sure what I should put it at since I haven't messed with this sort of thing before.

I guess the only questions I have left is, what voltage should I set the CPU to and is it an issue to leave the fans running 100% all the time? They are pretty quiet so not a big deal but I'm pretty sure my motherboard will not allow me to change voltage to the fans but I looked earlier and could not find a way to change it.
If the noise doesn't bother you, it won't hurt anything to run the fans at max. I have to run but will post some recommendations for voltage in a couple of hours. Max should be 1.3V though - for stock clock, I'd try 1.15V and check stability, if it crashes bump it to 1.17V. More to follow.
Hey Volcano!

That sounds great I will try setting the voltage in the morning and see if I can bring down some of the temps and possibly get a small OC out of it. I will also check out that link.


What's your core voltage been at when testing? I've compared notes with some other DC owners, some of them with H100i coolers and their temps were pretty close to mine although there were a lot of variations on settings to get there.

Try walking your voltage back to 1.15 or as low as you can go without crashing on a stability test. Track your peak temps with each step down - I'm guessing you'll average about .5C-1C drop per .01-.015V step down, if not more.

Not directly - for example, if the selected multiplier will run stable at 1.18V, and at 1.15V, changing the voltage from 1.18 to 1.15 will affect the CPU's temps, but not speed. It will only affect your speed, boosted or unboosted, if you have to reduce your multiplier to run stable at a reduced voltage. The goal is to find the lowest voltage possible to run stable at any given multiplier-adjusted clock speed, and also keep it at or below your target peak core temp.
Hey again everyone, sorry about the late response. I have not had the time I was expecting to continue tweaking the computer. I am still a bit scared to go messing with the voltages until I read some more and decide on a good starting point and feel comfortable setting them.

I have done some mild gaming on it tonight though to watch the temperatures and im curious if they still sound good to be at stock clock speed with nh-d14 kicking 100%. I am currently Idling at 33C with nothing more than google chrome open. Titanfall on max graphics has me sitting around 50C max while gaming (most of the time it was closer to mid 40's) and I just got done running Aida64 for a bit with all 4 options selected and got average temps ranging from 55-60 with 2 max core temps being 66C.

How does this sound to you all? Should I even bother with trying to swap out the NH-D14 or changing voltages or let it ride for a few more days and until im more comfortable with setting voltages?

On a side note... I have been playing around with the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility and noticed that the temp readings are generally 1-3C lower than what my mobo is reading. Its not substantial but im not sure which I go with. It seems that AIDA64 and the Intel program both have slightly lower temps than what my mobo is reading.

Thanks again for the help everyone!