i7 4790K on MSI H97 PC Mate, Dual channel not working


May 24, 2016
Hi guys,
I upgraded my CPU from i5 4460 into i7 4790k, and now I am facing an issue with two RAMs in one colored slots, not sure if it calls dual channel.

Before, with i5 it has worked perfectly, then i put i7 and works only: CPU _ _II or _ _ _I and _ _I_, config II_ _ haven´t tried. In those cases OS boots up and I can use PC as usual. But i would like to find out what causes this issue, and ofc i want to use dual channel as well. I was thinking to buy another 2 RAM sticks later on, so that´s why i need functioning slots.

I have put the old CPU i5 into socket and now the same issue is with this CPU as well. As I said, before 1st removal of i5 it was working good.

By a changing of CPUs i didn´t move with RAM sticks at all, they were in slot the whole time.
So I cannot use _I_I or I_I_ config because i get infinite boot restarts of PC. I have checked pins in socket and i think there is everything fine, but "think" is not "know", so I am not sure about it.
RAMs: AD3U1600W4G11 2x

Please share any solutions with me, or prove compatibility of those components for me. I am real amateur in this.

Best regards

Thank you very much.
Best regards
So i´ve tried it, system Posts in this cases: /CPU/ ___I, __I_.
In this case /CPU/ __II gives this message: http://

In all other configurations PC gets infinite boot restarts. It restarts itself before booting, that are like 2 second intervals.
What should I try now?

_ _ II shows full 8GB, II_ _ doesnt boot at all.
AD3U1600W4G11 is a single module. Buying two singles, even with same part number, are not guaranteed to work together as they have never been tested together. Memory Clock and Timings are rated for a single not two modules.

You wrote, "thinking to buy another 2 RAM sticks later on". This is another bad idea. Mixing memory modules, even with the same part number, can yield poor operating results.

The way to go is to use a single kit of modules that has been tested and is guaranteed for life.

One possible solution for mixing random single modules together is to set the memory clock to a slower speed. The modules you have should run if installed with just ONE module.


Hi Calvin,
the thing is that before with i5 4460 i have used those two RAMs together like this: /CPU/ _ I _ I, system showed me 8GB RAM so i was satisfied, so it seemed that it works well. But never checked other specifications of those modules how they work etc. So now I understand that I cannot tell you how was that working, because i only know that in window "DXDIAG" was 8GB memory written.
Can we say it for sure, that PC will work when I set memory clock to a slower speed?
And how am I supposed to do that please?
Can you clarify me the difference between _I_I and _ _II. My PC works on _ _II, but why affects it PC in negative way I don´t know exactly.

Going to bed, i will reply tomorrow again.
See you, Thanks