Hi, my 4790k is underclocking itself i have disabled all power saving options in BIOS and windows this does not help i have tries resting the CMOS and also applying BIOS defualts and nothing changes i have even tried over clocking.
Im running prime95 and aida64 as my stress tests i have tired running GTA V and i have tried cinebench but they all underclock its only when im idle at the desktop my cpu is at the clock its supposed to be i.e. 4.2-4.4ghz stock clock or my own overclock (4.6Ghz)
My temps are fine when doing all of the tests or programs
So here is the problem when i run any program or test say for example i will run aida64 after rebooting windowd it will be at the correct clock and about 5-10 seconds after i start the tert it will underclock to any random clock its different everytime i restart windows (4ghz) (3.4ghz) (3.7ghz) (3.2ghz)
And help will be appreciated!
Im running prime95 and aida64 as my stress tests i have tired running GTA V and i have tried cinebench but they all underclock its only when im idle at the desktop my cpu is at the clock its supposed to be i.e. 4.2-4.4ghz stock clock or my own overclock (4.6Ghz)
My temps are fine when doing all of the tests or programs
So here is the problem when i run any program or test say for example i will run aida64 after rebooting windowd it will be at the correct clock and about 5-10 seconds after i start the tert it will underclock to any random clock its different everytime i restart windows (4ghz) (3.4ghz) (3.7ghz) (3.2ghz)
And help will be appreciated!