i7 6700 graphics driver not working


Jun 22, 2016
I recently got a new motherboard (h170 d3 plus) and a gtx 750ti FTW to add on to my original i7 6700 computer. I am now thinking of getting another monitor but for some reason the hdmi from my motherboard doesn't work! I continued to try downloading the driver for intel 530 graphics but it just kept saying "you do not have the correct components"
"for some reason the hdmi from my motherboard doesn't work!"

"I continued to try downloading the driver for intel 530 graphics but it just kept saying "you do not have the correct components"

That's because the Intel 530 GPU is disabled, it's disabled automatically when a PCI/PCIe GPU is detected, in order to avoid resource conflicts. This behaviour can only be over-ridden if your BIOS supports it.

Otherwise you must connect both monitors to the GTX GPU. The 750 Ti supports up to four monitors as stated on the specs sheet: http://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-750-ti/specifications
"for some reason the hdmi from my motherboard doesn't work!"

"I continued to try downloading the driver for intel 530 graphics but it just kept saying "you do not have the correct components"

That's because the Intel 530 GPU is disabled, it's disabled automatically when a PCI/PCIe GPU is detected, in order to avoid resource conflicts. This behaviour can only be over-ridden if your BIOS supports it.

Otherwise you must connect both monitors to the GTX GPU. The 750 Ti supports up to four monitors as stated on the specs sheet: http://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-750-ti/specifications