i7 6700 hovering around 80 degrees Celsius


Jul 27, 2014
im rendering a 30 minute video to 1080p 60fps on Sony Vegas, and the tempruture on my i7 6700 core #1 is hovering around 77-80 degrees, is this safe while under 90-95% load? at idle its fine and stays at around 40-50 degrees

I am using the stock heatsink BTW, theres no overclock on this CPU

80C core temp at peak load is generally considered acceptable. Generally, you don't want core temps to exceed upper 70s lower 80s. You also don't want to run them at that temp for too long and too often (don't render things all day every day), as that can affect longevity of the CPU (7-9yrs life instead of 10-12yrs life).
If you don't perform CPU intensive operations very often, then a new cooler is not really necessary. However, I'd get a better cooler if you want to be running it at max for extended periods of time. Something like one of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/products/compare/hmtCmG,LPVBD3/ will do just fine.
What's the ambient room temperature like where that computer is? 77C at full load with a stock cooler doesn't seem too out of the ordinary. I'd say anything over 80C for extended amounts of time and you might have an issue.
80C core temp at peak load is generally considered acceptable. Generally, you don't want core temps to exceed upper 70s lower 80s. You also don't want to run them at that temp for too long and too often (don't render things all day every day), as that can affect longevity of the CPU (7-9yrs life instead of 10-12yrs life).
If you don't perform CPU intensive operations very often, then a new cooler is not really necessary. However, I'd get a better cooler if you want to be running it at max for extended periods of time. Something like one of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/products/compare/hmtCmG,LPVBD3/ will do just fine.
Intel's recommended max temp for "optimal" lifespan is in the low 70's though there's no exact cutoff aside from Tjmax. As you go higher the lifespan is more likely to reduce.

*I would get a different cooler anyway if only to reduce NOISE under load. I like the Noctua NH-U12S which is dead silent most of the time if fan control is setup properly (make sure motherboard fan control software is installed and setup properly such as 30% load until 45degC then ramp to 80% load at 90degC or similar ramp.. you won't hit the highest temp so optimize for minimal NOISE).

a) http://pcpartpicker.com/product/hmtCmG/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2

b) http://pcpartpicker.com/product/93Crxr/cryorig-cpu-cooler-h7

(should be cheaper elsewhere unless this is the new price. It became popular so maybe the price went up)

c) http://pcpartpicker.com/product/wjmLrH/noctua-cpu-cooler-nhu12s

They are in order of worst to best. The EVO fan can be obvious though. I bought it for my sister, even setup fan control but later swapped out the fan for a spare Noctua I had and it was much better.

As said, they are ALL sufficient to cool that CPU however the main issue is noise (and keeping the CPU lifespan higher though it could last for ten+ years with the stock cooler... statistics/silicon lottery).