Hello, I'm trying to overclock my CPU for the first time and have received good and stable results when overclocking from 4.0-4.6 GHz at 1.35v, however, I seem to be reaching my limit when I try to OC at 4.7 GHz. I received a BSod when I overclocked at 4.7 GHz with 1.35v so I tried bumping it to 1.40v but I began to get worried about my temperatures. My cores normally float between the 60s to low 80s at this voltage but occasionally my cores will spike to high temperatures. Last night when I was stress testing for about 30 minutes, one of my cores briefly spiked to 90°C. I heard that you should try to keep your voltage for Skylake no higher than 85°C but is this referring to current temperature or max temperature? I tried lowering the voltage to 1.375 and up, but then my PC gets a BSoD every time I begin a stress test. I tried stress testing today for a few minutes and took a screen capture using both Aida64 and x264. I am using a Noctua nh-D15S with a second fan as my CPU cooler.
Aida64 Stress Test: http://i.imgur.com/9K6lr68.png
x264 Stress Test: http://i.imgur.com/t2xued6.png
Here are my PC components list if it helps: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BNWilliams007/saved/Yg2CmG
So do you guys/gals think it would be safe to continue overclocking with 1.40v at 4.7GHz, or should I settle down for 1.35v at 4.6GHZ? Thank you for your time.
Aida64 Stress Test: http://i.imgur.com/9K6lr68.png
x264 Stress Test: http://i.imgur.com/t2xued6.png
Here are my PC components list if it helps: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BNWilliams007/saved/Yg2CmG
So do you guys/gals think it would be safe to continue overclocking with 1.40v at 4.7GHz, or should I settle down for 1.35v at 4.6GHZ? Thank you for your time.