I7 6700k only works with 1.35v any less and Whea error


Jan 13, 2015
Hey guys i bought a used i7 in august but ive finally put it together just 2 days ago.
At first i would get the whea blue screen whenever i tried to install windows or tried to boot linux from us drive. (would get similar error)
After almost giving up as this is my first k processor(have an i5 3470) i read a bunch of threads about this error, someone said about increasing the vcore, at first i set it to 1.38 and i could finally install windows and everything but my temps would reach 100c using aida64

i decided to lower it to 1.35v and it still worked fine, but whenever i try to lower it more it gives me the same Whea error, its not overclocked.

tried aida 64 and i would get around 80-88c sometimes peaking to 90c

my room temperature is 28c

im just wondering if i keep it like that would it be fine? i only use my pc for browsing and gaming
would overclocking be even possible?

My specs:

i7 6700k
32gb corsair dominator 2800mhz
gtx 1080 ftw
Corsair cx 500w psu
asus 170-A Motherboard
Cooler master Hyper 212 Led
4k dell monitor

Would sticking in stock clock be enough for gaming? this is the first pc ive built as i just have an optiplex and just added the 1080 in there.
you need a better cooler. The 212 LED isn't the same as the EVO that everyone likes to have. And even then you need something better than an EVO.

You should also get a better PSU, the Corsair CXs are bad.
You have a problem of trying to support high end hardware with low end parts:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU Cooler: Scythe - Mugen 5 Rev. B 51.2 CFM CPU Cooler ($47.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $117.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-25 22:28 EST-0500

The CPU being "used" may also be why it doesn't OC well, and why the seller sold it.

that could be a bad PSU or bad Motherboard issue though, since they're both related to power. It's "rare" for a CPU to go bad, it's common for a PSU (especially the CXs) or motherboard to go bad. But the z170-A is pretty popular and should be good.
ok i just ordered a seasonic 650w platinum, it will get here in around 5 days.

I experienced more whea errors even at stock clock and 1.35v
decided to set it at 1.36v now

would ram overclock affect it? i have my platinum dominators at 2800mhz, xmp profile 1