i7 6700k Overlock RAM settings?


Feb 28, 2016
Hi all,

I recently overclocked my Skylake to 4.5hz @ 1.28v with 1.3v overhead. My RAM is at 2133mhz with XMP disabled (I never messed around with memory settings and OC it). Was wondering after I OCed my CPU that I should up the memory frequency to 2666mhz and if so how do I do this since I have never done it?

Thank you.

I'm on the Asus UEFI Bios. XMP is disabled. Just simply enable it? What exactly does this do? Does it automatically adjust frequency to better suit other components?

yes simply enable it.

XMP is basically preset settings from the ram maker. if you want to further overclock it beyond xmp spec then you would disable XMP and manually set dram settings.

I don't think you need to worry about frequency adjustment for a 2666 memory overclock. For skylake you shouldn't have to touch bclk to overclock your ram. When you adjust bclk for higher ram speed (as in the case of X99s), then you apply a matching "strap" to the bclk overclock to suit other components.