I7 6700k package core temp reaching 30c without overclocking


Oct 1, 2016
So i just built my 1st computer right here http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Allenmessi/saved/wJHxrH. And i used a h115i to cool the cpu, i like louder pcs and i like to squeeze preformance out, but even before over clocking at stock speeds the temps reach 30 c on idle, and 65c on prime95, 45c on avrage with mx4 thermal paste

Here's the recommended operating range for Core temperature:

80C Hot (100% Load)
75C Warm
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)
25C Cool

Idle temperature depends on ambient temperature, power saving features in BIOS and Windows background processes and services.

Put your mind at ease and read this Sticky at the top of the CPU's Forum: Intel Temperature Guide - http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-1800828/intel-temperature-guide.html

CT :sol:

Here's the recommended operating range for Core temperature:

80C Hot (100% Load)
75C Warm
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)
25C Cool

Idle temperature depends on ambient temperature, power saving features in BIOS and Windows background processes and services.

Put your mind at ease and read this Sticky at the top of the CPU's Forum: Intel Temperature Guide - http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-1800828/intel-temperature-guide.html

CT :sol: