I7 7700K - 70+ Celcius

Mar 26, 2018
Hello! :)

When i'm watching YouTube or just messing around, my PC gets to 75+ Celcius, i'm using a I7-7700K With a Noctua cooler, so it shouldnt be a cooling problem...

When i'm gaming the CPU reaches around 94+ Celcius, is that dangerous for the cpu?

Thanks in advance :)
I installed it ontop of the Mounting brackets there are in the motherboard (ontop of the cpu) I used thermal paste in the middle of the CPU and then it kinda spreaded out itself.

I assume the fan on the CPU cooler is hooked up to the motherboard?

Did you change any setting in the bios? I would reset the bios to factory default settings if you did. Maybe you adjusted something by accident.

If your system is truly running at stock settings, and your temperatures are still in 95C under load, then your cooling was not installed properly and I would reinstall the cooler. I would remove the existing thermal paste with high percentage isopropyl alcohol. Just put a half pea size, or a grain of rice size dab in the middle and install the cooler. Make sure it is seated properly against the IHS.
What noctua cooler?
What is your case and cooling fan arrangement.

At idle, you should see something like 10-15c. over ambient.
If it is significantly higher, here are some possible issues:
1. The cooler is not mounted well.
2. You used too much paste. A small rice sized drop will spread under heat and pressure.
3. The cpu cooler fan is not spinning.
4. A downdraft cooler is not as effective as a tower type.
5. You do not have sufficient intake airflow.
Take the case covers off and direct a house fan at the innards. If that helps, look to case cooling solutions.
6. Reread the mounting instructions. In particular the part about which mounting holes to use.

To answer your question:

Not to worry about damage.
The cpu will slow down or shut off if it detects a dangerous temperature.
That point is around 100c.

Still, you are hotter than needed; something like 75c. under load is what I would expect.

Yes it is.

I just went to BIOS and changed some settings, now its running 40+, which is seemingly better...

I have a NH-D14 Noctua. But i will try that and see what will happen :)


I would try another fan+heatsink at this point, it's possible the Noctua could be defective.

The dimensions of the heatsink being just slightly off during production could cause the thermal transfer between the processor and heatsink to not work properly. This situation is unlikely, but it is possible.
Its just weird, the problem only starter occuring the orker Day, and ive had the CPU and Cooler for nearly a year now...

Also, when i shut OFF my pc or restart it, it goes to the blue screen of death... it happened yeasterday...
Something is not right. Did you move the PC recently?

Did you make any changes in the bios? I would reset your bios to factory defaults or clear your CMOS. You may have changed something inadvertently.

I dont see how your cooler could just break. The only moving part is the fan. So if the fan is still working, then the cooler should be fine. Noctua is one of the best brands on the market and are known for their quality (and price).
Okay, so my fan is not sitting completely alligned with the metal part, its kinda sitting with the left top over the metal part and the right top sitting below the metal part, but the metal part is completely alligned so is that an issue?

The pc hasnt been moved around in a year so no...

How do i clear my CMOS?

I cleaned the pc earlier today with some canned air, and it helped out a bit, but still got a little bit of a problem with the heat...

i will try that tommorow, thanks :)