I7 7700K(OC'd to 4.8ghz) high temperatures


Dec 21, 2016
I haven't OC'd a processor before, so I'm not sure how the ideal temperature should be like.
I used MSI gaming M7's bios overclock options to OC 7700K to 4.8ghz.


My idle temperatures seem a bit hot, howering around 40 degrees.
My cores seem to be at 4.8ghz constantly.
I set my fans on smart mode(CPU fan is thermaltake frio silent) and system fans(I have 2 of them) at 50%. I increase that to 75% when gaming.

Is that too high for Idle temperature ?

Also what is the idle temperature for the CPU under heavy load(gaming).


Idle temperature isn't that too important compared to load temperature. It's recommended to not go over sustained 80C on the cpu core temperature.
There a temperature guide for intel cpus here:

You may want to download HWInfo32/64 for more detailed monitoring.
Also you should understand what the software is doing before using it. Most of the time, these overclocking presets uses too much voltage necessary to run at a certain multiplier.
There is a detailed with Kaby Lake overclocking here:
You should also keep an eye out for BIOS updates as there will most likely be a few revision to fix bugs after launch. Currently there a bios version 1.1 update for your motherboard. If you are not sure how to update your bios, read your motherboard's manual for information.
There are also a couple links with detailed information on how to update your bios under the bios download section.

If u use manual voltage then temperature will always be higher on idle.
Its also depends on your case, better airflow, lower temperature will be.
Use HWmonitor to measure temperatures! Or similar software. MSI measure temperature from the socket not in cpu.



Here is the HWmonitor screen

Says 30-50 is normal for idle temperature on the page you posted.

As for bios update, I've seen the bios update but the notes only mention :
2. This BIOS fixes the following problem of the previous version:
- Improved memory compatibility.
- Pass WHQL test.
- Support SLI.

Is it necessary to update ? What do you think ?

With bios updates, there's no change notes provided. There could be more fixes in that bios version but not stated publicly.
Generally, it best to look at forums (MSI's one) and check if there are any issues with recent versions. And most of the time, there will be a couple new bios version after launch.

Sadly there is no info on MSI forums.