i7 7700k RAM Compatability


Feb 19, 2017
help me out lads, bought a 7700k today for a first gaming rig build. Intels website says its compatable with DDR4-2133/2400, but ive seen loads of people buildin rigs on youtube harkin on about installing 3000 and 3200 Meg sticks for best performance. Not being a geek, can someone please tell me wtf is goin on and can or should I buy faster sticks or just go with intels 2400mhz wording.

Board is a Strix Z270 so no limit there.

cheers boys

You'll see a slight difference. If you don't change the BCLK Speed of the core it shouldn't effect the ram. Get the higher set frequency if you want slightly more performance. You could in theory and headache do it yourself, but theyve tested and found a suitable setting ahead of time.

2400->3000 MHz is about a 25% bandwidth increase, but this increases cas timings. Those will offset the speed. This won't negate the speed but it is still better with higher frequencies as long as the cas timing is reasonable.

The frequency is how much data can move at once. The cas timings are effectively the speed of the data.
DDR4 RAM makes a small difference in gaming now, 3-5fps at most.

Outside of that, the real world differences SHOULD be slim.

I'd recommend getting some 3000/3200 @cas15 or cas16 if you can stretch to it, but otherwise decent timings on some 2400's should do you fine.
To note, the faster sticks are still base clocked. What the faster clock speed is a XMP profile that must be enabled in the BIOS. These are preset timings and bandwidth frequencies that have been tested by the manufacturer and those particular sticks were binned at. It's a good working setting that the company decides to back. Sometimes in rare cases you might have to tweak them regardless, but for your setup you should be good.
thanks Staples, ok let me get this right, so if I bought & installed 3000mhz sticks in the board and didn't select that higher speed preset profile in bios xmp, they would effectively still be utilizing 2400mhz ? is that what you mean? Seriously though, how much of an improvement in performance would expect from buying 3000 over 2600? isit worth the hastle when the cpu clock speed is already so high?
You'll see a slight difference. If you don't change the BCLK Speed of the core it shouldn't effect the ram. Get the higher set frequency if you want slightly more performance. You could in theory and headache do it yourself, but theyve tested and found a suitable setting ahead of time.

2400->3000 MHz is about a 25% bandwidth increase, but this increases cas timings. Those will offset the speed. This won't negate the speed but it is still better with higher frequencies as long as the cas timing is reasonable.

The frequency is how much data can move at once. The cas timings are effectively the speed of the data.
My 3600mhz VIPER DDR4 was at 2400mhz in bios at first but a quick bump to 3866mhz has been 100% stable, RAM speed is only kinda important for high hz monitors because it can grind out a few more FPS than let's say 2400mhz, especially at 1080p where CPU and GPU CAN produce a lot of FPS faster memory some of the time really made the difference.

Digital Foundry channel on youtube did a ton of gaming RAM tests if you want to check it out.