I7 7700K Temps All Over The Place


Jan 24, 2018

Basically I've got an issue where my temperatures are spiking constantly, even idle with nothing open they're hitting 60C.
I've changed the thermal paste and remounted the cooling, looking for suggestions as to what my issue could be.

Provided a GIF: https://i.imgur.com/RGRBj9u.gifv (this is with a browser open only)


I7-7700K 4.2 GHz
Asus Strix Z270F Gaming
Corsair H80i V2

Any suggestions greatly appreciated, been browsing threads for many hours now.

you dont need the corsair link anyways. the pumps will run fine without it. just double check your usb connector to the board if you want to use the software. read your manual. whats important is you attach your fans to the CPU fan header. Asus will control the fans for you. you can manually change the curve in the Q-fans in the BIOS/Ai Suite.

this looks pretty normal to me tho. im guessing you havent done any overclock and everything is on auto. the reason your temps are jumping up and down. is cause your CPU is adapting to your PCs demands. those you wll notice your voltages increase and decrease everytime your multiplier will change. hence your temps will change as well. as long as your temps are stabilizing its fine.

if you can show us your BIOS OC tweaks. we can get a clearer picture of your situation.

I haven't done any overclock and everything is auto, the only thing I've done thus far is increase my fans via bios.
Also the bios are fully up to date.

OC Bios (i assume this is what you're after ) https://imgur.com/a/1m2it

yah you just confirmed my assumptions. this is very normal behaviour on multiple core CPUs esp with your Asus motherboard. as long as you have idle temps below 35C. and 60C~75C during gaming. then you are fine. just look at your average temps.

I mean, my pc was sat idle with nothing open and all 4 cores still peaked 60c, with liquid cooling that definitely doesn't seem the norm, right? surely it can't be.

I play PUBG (Battlegrounds) and they all sit at 76-78 and rise slowly.

Corsair H80i V2 and the paste is Artic MX2.
I'll attempt that now for you. :)

Disabled it, reset PC and temps went straight to 70, reset the HW and they're at 60~

just give your cooler/thermal paste time to adjust. if it doesnt improve. then maybe you need to better mount your AIO to your CPU better. maybe you might need a better thermal paste like artic silver 5/noctua nt-h1. or adjust your fans to higher RPMs at lower temps. you are using both fans right for your h80i v2. it wont be effective with just 1.

Yeah, I'll keep an eye on it for a while buddy. I can always update the paste to a different type, not really much of an issue. I'll also play with my fan speeds, and yeah I'm using both fans for my h80i. :)
also try to change your OS powerplan to balanced if you havent already. this will alleviate stress from your CPU especially on idle states and this powerplan will work better with the ASUS auto optimized settings.

you mentioned your temps are rising slowly during gaming. that isnt a good sign tho. i also own an h80i v2 with an overclocked 8700k. temps stabilize and stays at 65C during gaming. you might need to recheck your mounting/thermal paste. just apply a tiny pea size amount in the center. always clean with alcohol and coffee filters (or whatever u prefer for cleaning) before reapplying on both the cpu and the aio mount. just make sure your H80i is working normally as well. check pumps are flowing. fans are running accordingly with Q-fan settings.

The thing I'm seeing that worries me is that under load the RPM of the fans aren't increasing, they're steady at 1.25k both when idle and gaming. I've read that the h80i should be at 2k+ when gaming and average at 1.5k idle.

Also when I'm changing between Performance/Balanced/Quiet on Corsair Link nothing is happening. The RPM is always the same?

Also I've noticed, and I'm pretty sure it's always been like this. The H80i never appears in the Corsair Link.


Think I may have possibily solved it, when I first had my PC built the guy didn't put in the CT link cable.
So in theory my cooling won't be talking to my CPU right? so that would explain why I can't edit speeds?
you dont need the corsair link anyways. the pumps will run fine without it. just double check your usb connector to the board if you want to use the software. read your manual. whats important is you attach your fans to the CPU fan header. Asus will control the fans for you. you can manually change the curve in the Q-fans in the BIOS/Ai Suite.


I've just put in the ct link cable and I can now edit all my fans :)

I will do, thanks for all the help dude. I really appreciate it, you're a legend.

If i need to find out anything else I'll get back to you :)