i7 7700k with 3000MHz?

Feb 1, 2019
Hello everyone,
I am sure there is a same thread but I just want to check. Hope this doesn't upset you.
I have an Intel i7 7700k but I want good RAM to go with my build and I am wondering if 3000MHz will be fine because all of the other RAM doesn't look great exactly.
The Intel i7 7700k says that it supports "DDR4-2133/2400" and I am wondering if it works fine with this.

Mobo: Asus Z170 Pro-Gaming (I know this is an old motherboard and I want to upgrade later along the road.)

Also is there any chance of bottlenecking with my config? I will list my specification below:
Mobo: Asus Z170 Pro-Gaming
RAM: Undecided brand 64GB (Still to order, possible upgrade overtime)
CPU: Intel i7 7700k
Case: NZXT H440
SSD M.2: Undecided brand 500GB (Still to order)
HDD: 5TB (Still to order)
PSU: Corsair 1200i
GPU: RTX/GTX 1080Ti/2080Ti Asus strix

What is the purpose of this build? If gaming you'll see no benefit of 64 gb ram vs 16. For that savings alone you could get a z370/390 board and a 8700k and bottlneck in less cases. Though if you're gaming at 1080p basically every game is cpu bound

The purpose is gaming and also building VMs and other kind of work, so it isn't just for gaming, I want 64GB of RAM so most of my applications can actually run with a good bit of RAM, such as video editing but doesn't need to be fast at rendering. I already got the i7 7700k and getting the next gen is going to annoying as I already got the CPU and it should work fine as I didn't even run it once. Other than that, do you think there will be any bottlenecking?

Also is it fine to have a 3000MHz with the 7700k with this mobo?

Thank you so much!