i7 7700K with Kraken X62 (High Temperatures)

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Mar 10, 2017
Hello everyone. I'm looking for some feedback and help, if possible.

My new system is running an i7 7700K with an NZXT Kraken x62 AiO liquid cooler, however I'm experiencing pretty high temperatures under load. I don't have an OC and it's running at stock frequencies. Running stress tests like Prime95 the CPU reaches spikes of 90ºC and stabilizes at around 87ºC. CPU intensive games also send it above 80.

Idle temperatures are around 38 and ambient temperature is around 25.

Is this normal? Does any of you have a similar setup and what temperatures do you guys get with a 7700K and a X62? Also, what liquid temperature readings do you get in CAM while under load?

Thanks in advance for the help. It's much appreciated.

The pump is running, that's not the issue. I can hear it and also CAM reports its speed readings.

So these high temperatures are normal and expected due to the CPU or may be a problem with the cooler? Other people have reported way lower temperatures with this setup.
The 7700k's are very variable with temperatures. Intel really messed up on their IHS application so some people get idle temps of 24 degrees while others get much higher. Yours is probably in the higher range but for a 7700k really isn't that surprising.

As Chris said, many people have reported success with deliding. If you were intending to overclock you would probably benefit from a delid but only if you know what you are doing and are willing to risk breaking the cpu.

You can get 3D printed tools from ebay to aid in the delidding process but it still isnt 100% safe. Make sure you have a plan in case you do destroy your CPU.

There was recently a big thread over on the intel forums discussing this temperature issue. Intel claimed they didn't get any temperature issues and told us not to overclock the chip they advertise as overclockable. They clearly know they have messed up and are trying to pretend everything is fine.
My problem is that I'm not even overlocking. These crazy temperatures reaching 90 are at stock without any changes. Even worse since I'm using what's supposed to be a really good AiO liquid cooler. It's frustrating getting temperatures this high with such a setup.

You could try to RMA the chip and just hope your new one isn't as bad.

Or you could risk de-lidding it and hope you see an improvement (You almost definitely will)

This is of course ruling out everything else like incorrect cooler instillation and cooler failure.
What thermal paste are you running and how well was it applied?
Is it a recent build, and have the temperatures always been that high?

Those temps look too high for a 7700k cpu that is just gaming with a cooler that size

If troubleshooting the AIO solves the problem, awesome. Otherwise I think it's a specific 7700K issue. I wasnt even convinced, but after viewing so many videos on YouTube, this seems to be a genuine issue.

Check out Techcity, Hardware Unboxed and plethora of other TechTubers who have demonstrated the same problem with the CPU.

I hope its a liquid cooler issue and not CPU itself.


Poor Intel can't afford 10 cent worth of a better thermal paste on their CPU's which they sell at $300 a piece. LOL.
It's like telling people not to watch television after they have bought it.

I had the same problem. It was showing in the CAM softwear that it was pumping but really it didnt. So I sendt it back and put on new thermal paste for safety matter. Before it was running BF1 on 85-90, but now 60-65. And no this is not the CPU Its deffently the G62X, had the same thoughts as you so I've been on your same path
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